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It was a couple days later. EXO was struggling with controlling their powers. Slowly but surely though, they were making progress. 

"Xiumin," Chen said. Xiumin looked up.

"Take them off," Chen said. Xiumin pouted.


"Xiumin, no one wears socks on their hands. Come on, take them off."

Xiumin sighed and took them off. Chen took his hands and put them on his cheeks. He smiled when he felt them warm.

"No, no, not again!" Suho yelped as water came to him. "Stop! No!"

Kris came into the room, only to trip on the wave and smack his head. Anger rushed into Suho, making his blood boil.

"SIT!" He roared at the water.

The water stopped. Getting an idea, Suho imagined the water as a dog. It molded itself until it became the golden retriever in his mind.

"Go!" Suho ordered, pointing to the kitchen sink. The dog ran to it and leaped inside. It was gone.

"You're incredible," Kris said, supporting himself against the wall. Suho came over and hugged him.

"Thank you, Superman!" He said, giggling.

After a few hours, EXO decided to take a break. They all agreed on exploring a place in town none of them have been to.

They regretted going here; it was rundown and sketchy looking. Luckily, EXO made sure to dress a bit roughly, so no attention was brought to them.

Or so they thought.

"Wait, there's a kitten!" Tao said, pointing. "It's hurt!"

Everyone turned. Sure enough, there was a tiny kitten. The poor thing looked thin and ruffled, and was limping. It went into an alleyway.

Suho immediately knew it was a bad idea to go after it. "Tao-"

"No, let's help it!" Tao ran to the alleyway. He came out murmuring to the kitten, who was snuggled against his chest.

"What an adorable baby!" He said, smiling as he looked up. But the others were staring at something behind him.

"What?" He said, looking back. He froze when he saw a gang come out of the shadows. He backed up, a bit scared.

"Where is ya goin' with that kit?" A guy growled, stepping forward. Tao took a step back.

"I'm sorry. Is it yours?" Suho said. "Tao, give them the kitten."

"It's not ours. But it needs to live in them streets." The guy snarled.

"Hey," Xiumin snapped. "It's an animal that needs medical attention. So we're taking it with us."

Chen took his arm, but Xiumin shook him off.


"No, Chen."

"Just let it go."

"No, I'm not letting innocent animals suffer."

One of the men swiped at Tao. Tao punched his hand away, now glaring.

"Back off, idiots!" Chanyeol growled, stepping forward. The rest of EXO did so too. No one hurts their Panda without getting a nasty response.

"Fine. Twelve of possy's like y'all versus twelve real men." A guy said. The others laughed stupidly.

Tao sighed and placed the kitten in a crate, closing the lid. He took off his jacket and cracked his knuckles.

"Tao, do you know how to fight?" Luhan whispered as everyone got ready.

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