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"Kris, try to command your power," Suho called. "Think of your wishes!"

"I wish to have my two feet on the ground!" Kris said from the ceiling. "But nothing's happening!"

Suho sighed. "Luhan, can you get the ladder again?"

"Um," Luhan stared at his floating book, fingers trembling. "I kind of can't."

"Kai!" Tao yelled, whipping a tennis ball. Kai flinched and put his hands up. He heard Tao laughing and peeked to see the ball frozen in midair.

"Tao!" Kai roared. Tao brought the ball back and ran off, laughing. Kai teleported to him and gave him a shove, causing the maknae to stumble and pout. Tao saw Suho giving him a smile and grinned sheepishly back.

"I'm having a great time!" He told Suho, grinning.

"I'm not!" Kris snapped, crossing his arms. "I can't get down. Again."

He had floated to the roof and was now stuck there; he couldn't control his flight to get back down. He was like a helium balloon- and no matter how much Chanyeol laughed, it didn't make things any better.

"Oh, I'll get the ladder," Tao said, turning. A bright light suddenly shone in his vision. He yelped and slammed his hands over his eyes, stepping back.

"Tao! Sorry!" Baekhyun squealed. He was shaking his hands, trying to make them stop glowing.

"I-It's OK, I'm fi-" Tao slipped on a patch of ice and fell, hitting the ground with a squeak.

"Oops." Xiumin stopped building a snowman and ran forward. "Sorry Tao!"

EXO's training wasn't going too smoothly. Sure, a bunch were able to get the powers to pop up.  Then again, most couldn't do a lot, some couldn't control their powers... some didn't even get their powers yet.

"How the hell do you power lightning?" Chen snapped, standing there dumbly.

"How do you do wind?" Sehun said, flapping his arm to try and create a breeze.

Lay stayed quiet. He found a dead flower, shriveled up and rotten. He was sitting on the floor and staring at it, holding it with his thumb and index finger.

"Is Lay even doing anything?" Luhan whispered to Kai.

"Yeah. He's being really focused." Kai whispered back.

"Really? How do you know?" Luhan asked, confused.

"He always bites his lip to the point where I think he'll bite it off," Kai explained.

"Lay, take a break." D O said, putting a hand on Lay's shoulder. But Lay shook his head.

"I want this power to work." He replied, resting his head on his hand. Kyungsoo stomped his foot, about to continue arguing, but he accidentally cracked the floor. 

"... Oops," He murmured, laughed nervously as a few members stared. He started to fix the cracked concrete.

"OK, let's take a break; it's lunch time." Suho said, pulling Kris down. As soon as Kris's foot touched the ground, he stopped floating and fell into a heap.

"Ow." He muttered, rubbing his head.

"This isn't going too smoothly." Chen said, crossing his arms.

Tao ran up. "It is for me! Look,"

He threw his ball into the air and snapped his fingers. It stopped and hovered silently, making everyone surprised. Tao then snapped his fingers again and the ball fell back onto his palm.

"Good job, Tao!" Suho said, smiling.

Tao nodded beaming. But he took one step forward and suddenly doubled over, holding onto his head.

"Tao?" Kris immediately put a hand on his back, supporting the boy.

"Headache." He moaned, falling to his knees. "A very bad one."

"You should take a break." Kyungsoo said gently. Tao nodded tightly, getting up. Sehun put a hand on his shoulder, supporting him.

The members started to walk back to the kitchen. They were practicing in their gym, which was big enough to have the twelve members and still have space leftover. Right now it was in ruins- Chanyeol accidentally lit one of the punchbags on fire, Baekhyun made a bunch of lightbulbs burn out and let's not start on Luhan's telekinesis attempts.

Suho glanced back to see Lay still sitting on the ground. He was still holding the flower, though now his eyes were closed in focus. Suho sighed and went up to him.

"Lay," He said gently. "You have to eat with us."

Lay opened his eyes slowly and sighed. "I really want to get it."

Suho smiled and took his hand. "You will. But now you have to take care of yourself. I don't want you getting sick."

"You really care about me that much?" Lay said, raising an eyebrow jokingly.

Suho planted a sweet kiss on his forehead. Lay closed his eyes, smiling. One hand holding Suho's, the other the now blooming flower. Suho pulled away and saw the flower. His eyes widened.

"Wow," He gasped, taken by surprise. Lay opened his eyes and gave Suho the fresh plant. Suho pulled Lay up.

"I told you you'd get it." Suho said, smiling cheekily. Lay wrapped an arm around Suho and leaned his head against his leaders.

"It's because of you." He whispered. "I always get it because of you." 

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