Chapter 2.

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     "THERE is no way that we are going to survive outside, even if we have a weapon with us. Plus, your car is too small for all of us to fit in." Seth rolled his eyes as Ben pushed them towards his car, a jet-black BMW that was camouflaged in the shadows. They squashed in, complaining as there was hardly any room for them. JD, who was sitting in the passenger seat, bit his lip and turned the irritating radio off. They were all tense. Since Phillip had died, Wendie couldn't stop sobbing. Ulani comforted her, saying that she would be okay after finding the murderer. Hopefully. Ben drove through the night, his face shadowed in the soundless car until Josh broke the silence.

"Ben, where are we going?" He murmured gently although the other staff couldn't hear him. There was sweat dripping from Ben's forehead as he struggled to breathe properly. He had to stay strong, even though Phillip died. He had to stay strong for his friends.

"We are going to my place and we probably be safer there. If not, we have to protect each other or we're dead..." The last word hung in the frosty air. Leaning forward a little, Derek yawned tiredly. They all looked at him with half-opened eyes. They wanted to sleep but there will be consequences, no point. They finally arrived at Ben's place between the murky forest and the windy beach. The owner of the house slammed the car door with a loud bang and stormed off up the gravel pathway, unlocking the door with shaky hands and cursing.

"Are you sure it's safe? They could break in through the windows and stuff...." Derek muttered after him, glancing at the silky curtains blowing in the breeze from the open balcony doors. Timathon trudged along the gravel pathway to the gaping door. Wendie took Ulani hand, squeezing it tightly; Josh raised his eyebrows but didn't comment. They entered through the door, gasping about how big the living room is. Timathon pivoted towards Ben and grinned, glad that he allowed them to stay at his. Wendie squealed cheerfully as Ulani chuckled at what Xena had said. Josh ran upstairs to observe the massive hallway, lined with caramel-brown doors. Ben's house was creamy-coloured, balconies outside every room facing the sapphire sea and murky forest. There was a basement that no one used in a long time, though there was a visible ladder next to the fireplace; pictures hanging on the living room walls as they took a look. A younger version of Ben, probably a painting of his parents and a photo of them when they first met and became friends.

"You can all settle in. Upstairs are the separated bedrooms for you and if you need me, I'll be in the dining room working. Explore the place if you want to, you'll all be staying here for a few months anyway." Ben waved an arm to the fancy stairs and grinned. Seth called after Josh to wait for him as he also sprinted up three steps at a time. Simon shook his head laughing and sauntered off to the kitchen to make food. Ulani, Wendie and Xena giggled on their way to their bedrooms as Derek fell asleep on the comfy sofa. JD and Timathon were having a heated argument about which tank was better in a game. In the end, no one won. Goodnight's were heard in the peaceful building whilst the water gushed out of the kitchen taps. It was like they were a normal family living together. Propped up on the icy balcony railings, the two teenagers gazed at the view, the sun rising to cause the sea to sparkle like gems. Their hands were locked together as they beamed with delight of finally being together. Ulani was talking about her feelings once Wendie stopped crying about Phillip. Nobody eavesdropped but since they are now a pair, they don't have to hide everything about their relationship.

"I'll get some food from downstairs and hope that Ben doesn't yell at us for staying up really late." she moved to the door, grinning as Wendie pouted playfully. She was smiling brightly as she spun round to face the ascending sun, her hair swaying slightly from the breeze. She didn't hear footsteps behind her as someone thrusted a rough knife in her heart and shoved her off the balcony, causing her to tumble in mid-air. She didn't have time to scream as death had her in his firm grip, wiping any memories of her loved ones. 

She closed her eyes, knowing that she will never see Ulani's sweet smile again...

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