chapter 4

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I was waiting for Daniel and decided to put some food out in dishes when...
The doorbell rang, I went to answer it and it was Daniel, just as I expected.

I opened the door and welcomed him in with a warm smile and he gave me a little hug and I just hugged back.
He looks at me for a bit and tilts his head.
"What, what is it, is there something on my face?" I said worriedly.
"No no it's not that, your eyes are all read and puffy, Amy have you been crying?" He said.
"Uh maybe just a little bit" I say avoiding any eye contact.
" what's happened who did this to you, tell me everything."
I got a warm feeling in my stomach, I lead him over to the couch to sit down, it was nice to know that he cared about me so much even though we haven't known each other for that long.
"Take your time" said Daniel whilst placing his hand on my knee.
I smiled and started to explain myself, " it all started at lunch, I grabbed all my food and a popular guy named Jacob walked into me causing all my food and drink to spill on me, Jacob just laughed at me and I ran into the toilets where I locked myself in a cubical when a cheerleader kicked it open and dumped her soda over my head, the whole cheer squad saw and were laughing at me, everyone was recording it and taking photos, ugh Daniel I'm the laughing stock of the school I can't go back there" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Aw Amy, I wish I was there to save you, didn't your friends do anything?" He said sympathetically.
" they were blowing up my phone but I turned it off, I want to wait until later before I speak to them, I know they all care but I just wanna wait." I said back.

"If you need time just leave it they'll understand, just don't block them out completely, you need them and they need you !" He said trying to lighten the mood.
"Thankyou Daniel, it really means a lot to me." I said with a smile.
"Sure anytime you need me I'm here, infact do you wanna come over mine for dinner and meet my friends." He said nervously.
"That sounds like fun, I would love too." I said.
" ok well I'm gonna go tell the boys and get some food I will pick you up later around 6 ok ?" Said Daniel.
"Ok thanks again see you later." I say whilst waving.
"See you later Amy." He said whilst waving me goodbye.

- -
3 hours later

Ok so I've got 2 hours until Daniel is coming to pick me up, I need to talk to my girls and pick out an outfit.

-Girls chat-
Sabrina:Amy where are you text us.
Ashley:Amy we're worried come on pick up.
Sabrina: hello?? Amy??
Naomi: Amy answer
Naomi : sorry about lunch please talk to us about it.
Ashley: come on come on come on
Me: guys I'm here look lunch was crazy can we talk about it later I'm going out to Daniels house for dinner and I don't know what to wear!!
Sabrina:Daniel ? Dorky Daniel from science ???
Me: haha no he's nice tho but Daniel I don't know his last name but I could have sworn I've seen his face somewhere before!
Naomi:describe him !!!
Ashley: Is this the guy you were on about earlier? Gimme details.
Me: ok yeh it is and he's tall has brown hair and blue eyes.
Me:ugh ok but I'm only doing this because you're my friend, you need to chill out about them.
*finds jacks instagram*
Wait a minute, I think to myself. That, is that, no no, it can't be.
Me: ummm Ashley who's that tall guy by the curly haired dude.
Ashley: Omg Amy were you even listening to me yesterday when I was showing you any photos?
Me: uh no not really sorry :/
Ashley: Well that's Daniel
Me: wait ok um ok
Ashley: Amy the Daniel you're talking about isn't that Daniel is it...
Me: umm actually I think it is...
Me: calm down please look I see him no different he's still the same guy I met yesterday please don't do anything stupid.
Ashley: ok but you have to let me style you!!?
Naomi: Amy I'm jealous.
Me: don't be he's just a regular guy
Naomi: just a regular guy??? He's famous and you're hanging out with him.
Me; I'm hanging out with him because he's my friend, tbh I don't know who he is that well but I'm meeting his friends later look I've gotta get ready !!!
Ashley: ok don't over dress but don't wear anything ugly.
Me: um thanks?

*opens wardrobe*
Ok I just now realised that I have a lot of clothes.
I gotta wear something nice but casual but not too casual.
We're just hanging out eating some food but I wanna make a good impression on his friends, maybe my jeans will look nice ?

 We're just hanging out eating some food but I wanna make a good impression on his friends, maybe my jeans will look nice ?

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Smart yet casual, this should do.

I plait my hair into a cute side braid and put on a small amount of make up so it looks natural.

*ding ding*
My phones goes off and I go to check it...

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