Chapter 14

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"Wow..." Zach said.
"Amy you look stunning" Zach said with his mouth wide open.
"Aww thanks Zach you look very nice in your outfit" I said whilst smiling at him.
"You both look great, have a good night." Said Jack.
"Thanks Jack." I said with a smile on my face.
"Well our uber is here, bye guys." Said Zach.

He took my hand and led me out to the uber, he opened my door and let me get in then climbed in next to me.

"I'm nervous!" I said.

"Whys that?" He asked.

"Because I want to make this a good night and I want to make you happy" I replied.

He grabbed my hand and held onto it.

"You're doing amazing so far." He said whilst smiling at me.

I leant over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He began to blush but a smile appeared on his face which also made me smile.

The uber pulled up downtown and I offered to pay but Zach insisted that he would pay.
I nodded and got out of the uber and thanked them for driving us.

Zach took my hand and covered my eyes and walked me towards where we were eating.
"Alright, we're here!" He said.

Zach removed his hand from my eyes and revealed where we were eating.

It was a lovely private room separated from the other tables and was lit up nicely, it was so romantic.

"Whoa Zach, I can't believe you arranged all of this, it's honestly just beautiful." I said in amazement.

"Just like you then" he said whilst winking at me.

We took our seats but he pulled out my chair for me first and then sat in his own seat.
We looked through the menu and decided on what to order.
I didn't want Zach to spend loads of money on me so I ordered a cheese pizza, which I was totally fine with because I love pizza.
He ordered the same but he had chicken, bacon and BBQ sauce on his.

The waiter brought us our pizzas, Italian style, it was delicious.

"Enjoying your meal?" Zach asked.

"It's amazing, what about you?" I asked.

"It tastes so good!" He replied.

About 10 minutes later we had finished our pizza and talked for a bit.

"Zach, this is a date right?" I said nervously.

"Yes, unless you don't want it to be..." he said sounding upset.

"No no I do want it to be a date, I just wasn't 100% sure if it was." I said.

"Thank god for that, I've gotta tell you something." He said.

"Go ahead.." I said whilst being cut off be the waiter.

"What can I get you guys for desert" he asked.

"I'm not incredibly hungry but I want desert, wanna split a sundae with me?" Zach asked me.

"Yeh sounds good." I say.

"Ok we'll have one large toffee sundae" Zach said to the waiter.

"This milkshake is so good!" I said.

"Yeh it is" Zach said back.

"Anyway what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked him.

The waiter placed the toffee sundae infront of us and we began to eat.

"So what I wanted to say was..." he began to say nervously.

"Amy I like you, a lot." He said whilst looking at me.

I began to smile at him, "Zach I like you too, a lot."

He let out a sigh of relief and filled his mouth with ice cream.

I laughed at him, "I'm glad you told me that Zach, I was scarred that you might not have liked me back." I said.

"How could I not like you back, you're amazing, I'm so happy that I met you." He said.

We finished off our sundae and Zach payed the bill, it was still early to go home so we decided to go walk along the beach.

"So Zach, what are we?" I asked him.

"Well." He said.
Zach stopped, took both of my hands and looked straight into my eyes.
"I know we haven't known each other for very long, but after tonight, it feels right, will you be my girlfriend?" He said.

"Of course I will, I would love to!" I said excitedly.

We carried on walking along the beach when we decided to call an uber to take us back home. When we both realised our phones had died, looks like we would be walking back tonight.

It wasn't that bad since it was only a 20 minute walk back.
He grabbed my hand and we began to walk back to what he called home.
I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home.
I was with the boy I liked and had no distractions!
We were almost home but had about 5 more minutes to go when my feet began to hurt.
I kept stopping to give my feet a little rest when Zach said, " I can tell your feet are hurting just jump on my back."

I began to laugh and jumped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on top of his.

The last 5 minutes before we got back to his was full of laughter, mostly from me.

We soon approached the house and...

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