{7} I'm Sorry

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•Edited 11/7/17

Kami's POV

We helped get Lucy to Porlyusica and she worked on patching Lucy up. When she regained consciousness, she started to cry. "I'm sorry, guys." Lucy sobbed. "I let you down."

"Are you kidding? We got second place because of you. That's nothing to be ashamed of." Natsu encouraged her. "But I lost my keys." Happy walked up holding Lucy's celestial keys. "Here they are." He said. "Thank you Happy." Lucy smiled and held the keys close to her face.

"Sabertooth..." I growl. "They're going to regret making an enemy of Fairy Tail. I'll make them wish they were never born." I said clenching my fist.

"Yeah, you and me both Kami." Natsu nodded to me. Team B came in not long after and they agreed that Sabertooth had to pay.

"Good. I'm glad that both teams are here." Gramps said as he walked in. "We've been asked to combine the two teams in to one. Since Raven Tail was disqualified, there's an odd number of teams, which means that it will be difficult to pair up the guilds for matches."

"Okay, so who's on our team then?" Delaney asked her grandfather. "I was thinking...Natsu, Erza, Laxus, Gajeel, Gray, and-"

"Me." Before Gramps could finish I spoke. I'm going to destroy Chandler for what he did. One way or another. "Chandler is my responsibility and I would like to be the one who wipes his smear off the face of the planet."

Some of my friends backed away from me as I said that because they knew that I was not going to rest until Chandler payed.

"Very well, Kami. You're the sixth person." Gramps nodded to me. I smirked.

Say your prayers...Sabertooth.


It was time to announce the line up for the rest of the day. It would be Quarto Puppy vs. Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel vs. Lamia Scale, and Sabertooth vs. Fairy Tail.

"These battles will all be tag-team battles. All except for a special battle that had been arranged by our very own guest speaker, Duchess Lara-Steer." Chapati said, introducing my aunt.

"Thank you for having me today. Now, without further ado, the battles." Lara-Steer's voice sounded just like I remembered. Poised and cold, like a cobra ready to strike, but still masked with a demeanor of excitement and joy.

I decided not to watch the tag-team battles. I couldn't. If Chandler caught my eye, I would clench my fist so much that I would draw blood. If I looked to Sting, my insides would hurt so much that I couldn't stand it.

I was walking around the tunnels again, hoping Sebastian would find me. I would need a warm up round before the real deal battle with Chandler.

"Kami...?" Someone asked me from behind. I turned to find Sting standing there. "I have nothing to say to you." I snapped even though it wasn't true.

"Okay. Then I'll talk, you listen." He said. I stood there with my arms crossed, ready to listen. "Okay, first I'm sorry about what Minerva did. I know that my apology won't make her heal faster, but through that I learned something. As cliche as it sounds, I didn't realize what I had until I lost it. I saw the way you glared at Chandler and then...me...I-I couldn't take it."

He paused to recollect himself and then continued. "I love you, Kami Siderosha. I really do. I know that 'love' is a strong word, but that's the only word that I can use to describe how I feel about you."

I was on the verge of tears and so was he. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into kiss me. His arms flew to my waist and mine to his neck, as if they were meant to be there.

"I still don't forgive you. For Lucy. But I do still love you Sting." I whispered to him. He buried his head in my neck and kissed it over and over again. In between each kiss he said 'mine'. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by Chapati's loud voice.

"And Mermaid Heel wins the match!!!" Chapati cheered.

I growled a little, since I knew that my match was up next. "Sting, I have to go. I'm fighting next." I tell him. He pulled away and kissed me firmly on the lips.

"Kick Chandler's ass." Sting smirked at me when we parted. "I'll be cheering you on."

He and I parted ways and I ran to the tunnel that would lead me to the arena.

"And now for the special event we've been waiting for. Sabertooth vs. Fairy Tail. A one on one battle against Chandler Siderosha of Sabertooth and his sister Kami Siderosha of Fairy Tail.

When I got there, my teams were both waiting for me.

"You've got this, Kam!" Gajeel said giving me a pat on the back.

"We believe in you." Erza said and Ross nodded in agreement.

"Knock him dead, kiddo." Laxus said.

"You've got this Kami!" Natsu cheered as we fist bumped.

"Take those Saber-jerks down a peg or two." Gray said smirking.

"Make him pay. For everything." Delaney nodded to me.

"Here Kami." Skyquake handed me both of my swords and I fashioned them on my back. "They're all nice and shiny. Be careful." She said the last part sadly. I hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry. I will." I turned back to my teammates. "I'm gonna win. For Fairy Tail."

With that I stepped out, ready to do whatever I had to do to win for my guild.

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