• P R O L O G U E •

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This could be the start of something new..... 

Summer POV
I wake up dazed from the light streaming through the curtains. I look down at him. His face is squished into the pillow, his bare back showing and the covers just high enough to stop me from seeing the lower half of him.

I smile and thinking about how I ended up here next to him practically naked for fifth time.

I guess it all started at our local cafe. I had a summer job there and so did he.
In the beginning we didn't talk much unless it was work related. I knew him from school we had mutual friends but we were not friends.

I remembered our first ever real conversation, it was about our third week into the job. One of my friends phoned me while I was working, the place was practically dead so I took it. It was Colton. He told me how warm it was in France and all the stuff he was doing there. I was jealous I was working all summer and he was just playing volleyball at the beach and surfing.

" you like him don't you? "

That was what he said

I was stunned, shocked and embarrassed. So maybe yes I did have a minor crush on my friend but it was something that I wanted to let anyone know. I answered him with a small blush on my face.

" no I do not"

"YES you do, it is pretty clear from where I was standing you practically never stopped giggling like a little girl since you answered the phone, it was really annoying and doing my head in also I saw the big smile you had on your face when you saw it was him that was phoneing"

Was I really that transparent? And that made me wonder if everyone knew and I meant everyone.

"Your friends with Colton, Right? "

"Yeah, Duh"

"Well does he know?"

"Know what ?" He gave a smirk

" you know what" he laughed
" okay so I like him, so what everyone at some point has a crush on there best friend"

"Not me"

" haha very funny you have no friends that are girls because you only hang around girls who you want to be more than friends with"

"True that's why I hang around you"
He smiles giving me a wink

" sorry but my heart belongs to Someone else" I say dramatically putting my hands on my heart laughing

"You mean Colton?"

My laughter stops

"Tell him"

"Tell him what that I like him"



He's about to say something else but the door rings as it happens and customers arrive needing to be served. Talk about being saved by the bell.

Over the next week we talked more about Colton a lot but also other things nothing important, just things. Soon we chatted all the time when no work was needed being done and cleaning after the shop was done. We even started carpooling to work and back, dropping me off at my house before driving to his. Which was not to far from mine, I think just a few streets over.

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