• F I V E •

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She made me smile,
she made me laugh
she let me fall for her

Blaze POV
It was Sunday night and I was sprawled out on the couch watching the tv with a big bowl of toffee popcorn. I stuffed my mouth full of popcorn as I watch die hard for the hundredth time it is my favourite movie. It always cheers me up when I'm not feeling good.

"Yippie-Ki-Yay, Motherf*cker!"
I say in an American accent quoting the movie.

I feel like one of those girls from a teen movie eating their heartache away with ice cream but instead I have popcorn.

I finish the movie and go over to the movie player and take out the cd putting it back in its case. As I'm about to put it down at the side of the Tv I spot the case high school musical. Memories and emotions start flooding me.

How much I regret and on the other hand I just want to relive those last days of summer for the rest of my life.

Being naive little me I thought that those nights meant something and it would be the start of something but I was wrong very wrong. She left me like a booty call and when I finally understood what was going on. That I was basically a rebound from my friend it took everything in me not to punch a hole in the wall and scream in her face. Instead I took on the image of the guy who does this all the time with no care in the world. This was far from the truth.

I liked Summer, there I said I liked her not just as a friend as more. When I first met her I never really knew her she was just some childhood friend of Colton's. Summer was nothing like I expected she was bright and bubbly and lets not forget very talkative and clumsy.

After weeks of serving coffee we became good friends and had many laughs and jokes. I understood why Colton has stayed friends with her over all these years but it made me wonder why he'd never made a move on her?  She liked him. I discovered this early on but it never bothered me then but later on when we started getting closer the thought of her liking my friend started to hit an unwanted feeling of jealousy in me. Truefully it bothers me evermore now because she chose him over me.

He was my best friend yet I envied him so much he had her heart, she has mine and I was left with nothing and no one.

Who knew I could be so turned up over one girl? But somehow that one girl had become the centre of my world in a matter of months which made me want to be mad at her but I couldn't be mad at her because in her hand she held my heart. She made me smile, she made me laugh and let me fall for her.

I switch off the TV heading up stairs to my bedroom. I walk in letting myself fall face first into my double bed and let out a scream.

I stand up feeling a bit better now I had realised myself. I strip down and throw on a baggy top and loose pair of flannel pj bottoms.

Just I finish getting ready I here a bleep and a notification flash into the screen my phone. I pick up my phone that's lying on my bed while getting into my bed.

I switch my phone on to see I have a text message from Colton. I look down at the one word he has sent me.

- hey

I put in my password and go into messages to reply even though I'm not in the mood to talk to him. I start typing a text out of hidden anger and envy.

- Summer likes you so either tell her you like her or freaking let her go because I like her

Though I immediately press backspace erasing the message because however bad I want to send it I know that Summer wouldn't be very pleased to hear I told Colton about her little crush on him. Plus it wouldn't be fair for Colton as he is my friend and he doesn't know about Summer liking him. Also he does have a girlfriend so he's not actually technically leading her on.

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