• P R O L O G U E •

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"Well that was awkward to watch"

Thursday Night
End of school party

Here I was in a crowded house with one hand holding a drink and the other pulling at my skirt. The music was blaring into my eardrums and I was stuck with sweaty people around me dancing. Everything around me was a colorful blur.

Okay I admit it I might be a little tipsy. Alright okay I was drunk.
Maybe a little too drunk to be honest.

I decide I should sober up a little so I push through people into the kitchen and a grab a cup to fill it with water.

I then take the cup and go outside into the garden. There's a couple of blurry blobs around me so I guess there also some people outside as well.
Ahhhhh fresh air this feels so good compared to the sweaty heat of inside.

I take a seat on one of the big steps down a bit from the door. I drink my water and go on my phone and after 10 mins I'm feeling freshened up. Maybe it was just the heat getting to me.

As I'm sipping at the last of my water in my cup a large warm hands grab either sides of my shoulders and a deep voice shouts boo! in my ear. I scream splash my water all over myself.

"Fuck what the hell!!"

"Shit Summer you really are the clumbest person I know"

"Shut the fuck up Colton this is all your fucking fault why the hell did you have to go and scare me half to death?"

"Calm down"
Colton says putting his hands up

Arghh Don't you just hate it when someone tells you to calm down? It actual makes me want to rip their head off

"I'm drenched in water and I'm cold don't you fucking tell me to calm down"

"Here, here take this and take off your top" He says pulling his jumper over his head and throwing it right and my face.

I instantly do as he says putting the jumper on and underneath it I take my top off. I instantly feel better.

Colton then wraps an arm around me and pulls me into the side of his chest so I'm side hugging him.
"So what are you doing out here?"

"Trying to freshen up a bit. I think I took too many shots and they hit me suddenly a while after I took them"

"Hahah yeah I thought you'd had maybe a little to much I saw you take a minute trying to pull the push door to get out"

He laughs and my face instantly goes red thank god it's dark outside so he can't see. Why am I such a riot ?

" Why did you follow me outside?"

"I was already outside did you not see me when you came out"

I scrunch up my face in awkward embarrassment.

" I'll take that face is a no which I'm not actually surprised at. I came out to get fresh air like you did but earlier and with some friends"

He points over to where I see three figures. Two of them get up leaving one figure sat alone on a bench sipping at a beer.

"Well I'm feeling a lot better now "

I say Snuggling into the jumper and him. I look up smiling at him. He then looks down at me. I then make the bold move to look at his lips. His eyes move down to mine and that's when I go for it. I close my eyes reaching up to kiss him.

He turns putting his other arm around me. This is it, I think squealing in my head. However when he pulls me into his chest I feel his shoulder pressing against my chin. I open my eyes.

I bloody hugging him!!!!! Ahahshahsbsvvd!!! I scream in my head

I can see that bench beer guy trying to hold in a laugh. The shame. The absolute shame.

"I'm glad we're friends"

I'm frozen. To think things could of not gotten worse I was wrong. I've just been hit by a lorry and bulldozer. First I'm blocked and then I'm friend zoned. I might as well go and dig myself a nice little grave cause that's where I want to be right now. Six feet under.

"I'll go get Olivia and say that you're wanting to go home the now"

He says pulling away and rising to his feet and walking back-inside before I could say a thing.

I can't believe this just happened stupid, stupid me. Where did I actually get the courage to even try to kiss my best-friend/crush(since like forever). I blame liquid courage even though I'm not even that drunk anymore however I'm still putting the blame on it.

I put my hands up to my face and let out a scream.

"Well that was awkward to watch"
Chuckles a deep voice

My head snaps back up to the guy on the bench I gave him a scowl and stand up.

I start walking to the door and just as I'm about reach the door the point of one of my heels gets caught in a bit of the footpath throwing me off balance. I wobble and before I know it I'm heading for the ground.

Yet I never reach it bench beer guy has managed to grab my hands. I'm so close to the ground I'm hovering millimetres above it. Phewww I think but then I look up and see a smirk on bench beer guys face and he lets my hands go and a go bump on to the cold stone ground.

Just as I'm about to yell at bench beer guy Colton appears again.

"What are you doing in the ground I leave you for one minute??"
"Olivia is waiting outside for you"

He says grabbing my arms and yanking me off the ground onto my feet again.

"Bye man"
Colton says uhhh I'm a woman !!! Ugh does he see me as a guy as well as just a friend now I think before realising he's taking to bench beer guy. Ahhhh that makes sense silly me.

As Colton drags me back inside I glance back at bench beer guy who is smirking at me and I give him another scowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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