• S I X •

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I have Pizza Hut onion ring
for a wedding ring

Summer POV
Me and the girls stood outside of the cinema waiting for the group of boys to join us. I had asked Colton last Monday. I just said we were going and he could come and could invite his friends if he wanted. Not mentioning the fact that Madison specifically asked me to sort this out so she could hook up with one of his friends.

I stood tapping my toe impatiently, where were they. I was wearing my white converse, blue skinny jeans and a cropped yellow jumper. I had also applied light makeup and wore small hooped earrings.

Just as we were about to give up and go in without them they walked through the doors. Time started slowing down as they walked a group of them. It was like one of those scenes out of a teen movie when the hot boy walks into school except it was better because their was band of them and this was real life.

As the boys got closer to us I saw a flicker of auburn hair. She better not be here, I swear if she's here I'm going to batter him. My question is answered when Bella comes out from behind the boys. I internally sigh.

"Hey guys"
Colton says cheerily not seeing how my mood has changed in the matter of seconds.

"Lets just go get the tickets"
I say turning on my feet not waiting for a reply from the others. I make my way to queue with the bunch slowly follow.

I feel a small tap on my shoulder surprised I turn to see Blaze with a grin on his face. Someone's exited.

"So what are we seeing?"

"I don't know, It ?"


He asks with a very confused look on his face

"I don't know, It?, what do you think?"
I reply slowly so he can understand

"What do you not know?"

I shake my head he's clearly not getting it.

"I think we should go see It"

"I don't know what movie your talking about"

He whines and huffs in confusion looking like he's about to burst it to tears.

I shout at him

He says screwing up his face

"Yes, It is the one about the clown"

"Ohhh I know the one your meaning but isn't that a scary movie?"

I nod my head and a smirk appears on his face

"Won't you be scared?"

"Pftttt Nahhh"
I say but he can clearly see right through my lie but before he can say anything the lady at the counter shouts next and he leaves to go buy his ticket. However not forgetting to give me a suspicious look.

"I'll hold your hand if you get scared"

A deep husky voice says as their hot breath touches my neck. I'm frozen and flushed.

Cole then moves away from me and skips me going to buy his ticket. I left out a breath of air and shake myself that was weird.

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