• F O U R •

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Baby Bye bye bye
to the Hawian never

Two weeks had gone by and everything had gone back to normal. After our talk we had deceived to stay away from each other, we didn't want to cause any suspension. Therefore now I would only catch a  glimpse of him in the Corridors  and if he was in my class we only made commute when necessary.

It is hard for me to admit it but I was missing his presence in my life after spending nearly the full summer with him. I had fallen in love with his fun personality even if he could be grumpy sometimes. Its hard having someone in your life one minute then their gone the next.

I was lucky though I still had Colton. Colton is still dating Bella if your wondering sadly which means I don't get to spend as much time with him as I used to but expected it. It hurts seeing him spend his time with a different girl but I'm starting to get used to it even though there are moments when it's like shards of ice stabbing Into my heart.

It was Friday thankfully, I couldn't wait for the weekend. I was going to do nothing but sleep and watch movies and shows on Netflix or so I thought until at lunch the girls sit down and tell me we're going shopping.

I huff looking up at their faces while they nibble at their food. It's not that I don't like shopping it's just I always find it hard to find something that actually fits me perfectly. Like either it's too tight, to loose, too long, too short. I'm just a weirdo.

"Are we getting food?"

Is my first question I ask which would be the only thing would get me through hours of perfect clothes hunting. I am like Sherlock Homes when finding bargains which is brilliant. I find cool t-shirts and jumpers for around  £5. I also found my go to retro bomber jacket which is puffed purple and cream satin in the 75% off rack.

So taking a bite out off my panini and I decide to come with them.

"We'll go home and change and meet at the bus stop at 4:30"

Jade looks around the table telling us giving me an especially hard stare. I nod at her reassuring her I would be there. I don't really have a good track record when it comes to being on time. I get off my seat picking up my rubbish and throwing it in the bin. The bell rings as soon as I get  back to the table so I pick up my bag swinging it over my shoulder before saying goodbye to Jade and Olivia.

Me and Madison head to our next class which happens to be history. Yay.

We walk through the door taking our seats which were on opposite sides of the class thanks to our teacher for making a seating plan. I sit down and rest my head on the table slowly my eyes flutter shut.

•      •      •

I lay on my bed listening to music when the door rings. I get up and I run down the stairs to find out who it is. I open the door to find Colton. He barges right inside grabbing my hand.

He looks deep into my eyes
and says to me.

"I've broken up with Bella, I can't hide my feelings for you anymore. I love you Summer"

He grabs my face ruffly and kisses me. It's like fireworks exploding.


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