The Beginning (Rewritten)

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Ahh... Summer!

A time when kids could just relax and not give a care to the world...

Unless you're me.

Hi, name's (Y/n) (L/n). The boy and girl next to me are my twin cousins, Dipper and Mabel Pines. Right now, we're screaming our lungs out from the possibility of being erased from existence from some sort of dream demon in the apocalypse.

Yet, we're getting ahead of ourselves here.

It all started when my Dad decided I needed to go out more, telling me that I should experience the great outdoors and it's wonders, and, annoyingly, make friends. So when he got a call from my uncle and both agreed on giving me and my cousins (that I never met) a getaway from reality, they both decided to send us to an old pioneer town called Gravity Falls, Oregon.

Why choose that place? For another unknown relative, my Great Uncle Stanford Pines (Grunkle Stan for short), lives there in a rundown shack. It was called 'The Mystery Shack', yet the 's' in 'Shack' fell off the sign when me and my cousins first got there, so it was basically 'hack'. Which is honestly a hack.

Why give your home a name? Well, Grunkle Stan runs the place like a tourist trap, getting people to come in and taking tours of the obviously fake exhibits he has up and finding ways to get people to rain money down upon him and buy stupid overprice junk.

No matter how hard I think about it, I don't get how he got two people to work for him, who are named Soos and Wendy.

Soos is the engineer of the place, and is Grunkle Stan's right hand man for anything. But, he's not a butt like Stan. He's actually an okay guy once you know him more, and acts more like a kid than an adult. He can do cool tricks, such as getting food out of the vending machine without paying, and he even allows me to drive the golf cart, which I didn't really need.

Then there's Wendy, an average teen who mostly just sits at the counter reading magazines. But she's not the type of teen who would be into makeup or petty gossip. No, instead, she's a pretty laid back person, and would make up some good jokes for the others to laugh. She even lets me steal ice-cream from the cooler without Grunkle Stan knowing.

Then their's my cousins.

My relationship with my cousins is...fine, for the most part. We all sleep in the attic, with Dipper and Mabel in each bed while I just sleep in a sleeping bag brought from home, and using the goat, Gompers, as a pillow when he comes up to the attic sometimes at night. Yet, I don't really talk to them. I don't specifically need to anyways. Once the summer is over, my bet is we'll all go back to forgetting about the other and continuing our daily lives.

Since we were all staying for the summer, Gruncle Stan thought it be a great idea for the three of us to work in the shack. It's boring, I tell you.


Dipper agrees with me, while Mabel is optimistic about the whole thing. To be honest, leaving home for the first time was when I met my Pine twin cousins...


"Do you have everything? Bug spray, sunscreen...?" My Dad asked as he drove the car, keeping his (e/c) eyes on the curvy road.

*Sigh* "Yes Dad," I answered, looking out the window while I fiddled with my pendent.

*Sigh* "Yes Dad," I answered, looking out the window while I fiddled with my pendent

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Summer Memories #1: June (Gravity Falls Reader Insert!)Where stories live. Discover now