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"Aw~ What a cute little dance."
I sigh as I watch the twins get their candy, joy etching onto their faces as they leave the porch of the house behind.
My dad decided that I should hang out with my cousins for Halloween this year, and what a surprise, my relatives thought so too! I rather just be reading instead of this.
"Aw~ Can't wait to eat all this!" Mabel exclaims as we start to walk down the sidewalk, me behind them as they talk.
"Yeah! I saving these for later though," Dipper says as he holds up some glowing UFOs.
"What do- Aw (Y/n), you still don't have any candy!" Mabel whines out when she turns around and sees that I have none. Since the beginning, I haven't walked up to any houses to receive candy, only wanting this to be over and done.
"Come on, it's Halloween! Free candy!" Mabel continues.
"No thanks," I say, walking past them to get to the next house.
"But don't you want any candy? I can share some of mine," Dipper says, holding out some.
"Like I said, no thanks," I answer as I continue down the block. That was until Mabel stops me.
"You have to trick or treat with us! It's what you get for not wearing a costume!"
"Trick or treating doesn't imply that I have to get candy," I reply trying to go around. But Mabel still blocks my path, a grumpy face drawn on her.
"If you don't, I-"
"You what?"
"I'll... I'll show your drawings to Dipper!"
"Those are personal!"
"You can draw?"
"I can do it! You know I can!"
She ain't wrong, she got- you know, that's another story.
"...FINE. But only a few."
"Hm... Good enough for me!"
I hate this already
"Alright, I got a few, can I be done?"
"One more!"
"And then done?"
"Yep! And here we are!"
In front of us stood an old creepy mansion, with thunder cackling in the background and lighting flashing around in the clouds. You know, average horror house.
"Mabel, maybe we should call it," Dipper says, looking about the place in nervousness. I agree, because my stomach started to wheeze.
"We'll be quick, cmon!" Mabel exclaims, running right up to the old porch the house had.
"Mabel, no!" I shout, running after her with Dipper. Too late though we were as she rang the door bell. An eerie gong ranged out instead of the usual ding dong, and the door creaks ajar while Mabel smiles while Dipper and I are mortified.
"Trick or treat!" Mabel shouts, holding her bag out. Until an odd hand reaches out and pulls her into the house while she screams, and leaving me and Dipper screaming.
"Mabel!" We both cry, running onto the porch and banging on the door.
"Give me back my sister!"
"Let us in, what ever you are!"
I shouldn't have shout that.
For then Dipper and I were pulled in, screaming.
I groggily open my eyes, slowly sitting up as I hold my head. What happened...?
Looking around, I find myself in an old attic, alone. Junk is put into piles, like old photos and large boxes. One photo stands out in particular, a little boy with his parents behind him, looking happy as ever in their Halloween costumes.
But reality came kicking back in when I hear two familiar screams.
'The twins!'
Kicking open the attic door, I see a long hallway before me, making me run to an open door near the stairs. Facing me was an odd black blob, and behind it were the twins.
"(Y/n)!" They both scream, happy to see me.
"You're not gonna eat my cousins, you tar beast!"
"...Eat them?"
All the sudden, the blob splatters onto the floor, and in its place was the boy from the photo.
"I wasn't gonna eat them, you got it all wrong!"
"Then why did you chase us saying 'hungry'!?" Dipper shouts while questing the ghost. The ghost sighs, settling onto the floor while looking down in defeat.
"When I was alive, my family and I would trick or treat all the time on Halloween. Those will always be the best memories." The ghost says, looking up with nostalgia at the ceiling. "But," he continues, looking back down. "When my dad passed on, my mom wasn't the same, and we never trick or treated again. And later on, I passed on from a sad, broken heart..."
This kid... was like...
"All I wanted, was to trick or treat again."
"O thank you, thank you!" The ghost shouts, quickly floating to me and holding my hands, making me uncomfortable.
"Sure, uh..."
"Alastair Wilkins!"
"I'm awfully sorry for what happened earlier, but thanks for making me feel alive again!"
"We should keep going!" Mabel exclaims, but Alastair looks down in sadness.
"I can't."
"Why not?" Dipper asks, making Alastair look up with a sad smile.
"I'm happy that I meet you three, but I have to see my folks again. I'm sure you understand."
"Yeah..." The twins say, looking down with sorrow on their faces, while I start to walk to Alastair.
"If you ever want to trick or treat again, come find us," I say, holding my hand to him. Alastair looks surprised, but smiles and shakes my hand.
"You're a good person. I'll see what I can do," Alastair says, starting to fade. "Happy Halloween!"
With that he's gone.
All three of us look behind to see a kid staring at where Alastair used to be in aw.
"Those some nice visual effects!"
"Hey (Y/n)?"
"When you said 'come find us', does that mean-"
"You'll trick or treat with us again!?" Mabel asks interrupting Dipper.
"Yay!" They both exclaim, giving me a crushing hug.
"Alright, enough!...Wait, where's your candy?"
"Man, I miss eating this stuff!" Bill Cipher exclaims while eating the candy Dipper and Mabel left at the house.

(Sorry it's short.)

Summer Memories #1: June (Gravity Falls Reader Insert!)Where stories live. Discover now