Chp. 2/2: Mysterious Books, Boys, and Gnomes! Oh My! (Rewritten)

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(If any of you are confused about the fraction, the domain is an addition part to the chapter before. I hope that clears things up!)

Reader's Pov:

"Whelp, that was a waste." 

I have to be honest with Dipper. All day we've been 'collecting evidence' on Norman to see if he was a zombie or not (with me not talking at all the whole time), but came up with absolutely nothing big that could prove it besides his reckless behavior. As I lay on the dirty carpet on the floor of the tv room while still reading "Supernatural and More", Dipper looks up from his camera and gives me an offended look.

"It's not a waste!" Dipper suddenly exclaims, jumping off the couch. "We clearly have enough evidence to prove that Norman, indeed, is a zombie!" Yet, the only thing that makes me do is look at him with a questioning gaze, then go back to reading. 

"I still think Norman is okay, just too old for Mabel," I insist, still reading my book. Yeah, I know, my promise. But, the annoyance of Dipper not getting the point is starting to eat up in me, and the fact of him never getting that I don't want to talk anyone or hang with them.

"Look, there's clear evidence that Norman is a zombie! He's terrible at moving, the red substance always recurring on his cheek, and the fact that he never blinks! You have to agree that that is not normal!!!"

I angrily shut my book with a quick snap, my head swiveling to Dipper as I get off the ground.

"You know what I think?" I say, getting close to Dipper as he starts backing away. "Mabel's not going to believe you. In fact, maybe Grunkle Stan was right. There's probably no monster's in those woods, you're just paranoid, and nothing unnatural is going on!" I start almost shouting, making Dipper hold the the Nu. three book he has up to shield him from me. 

It's quiet for a moment before realizing what I did, making me back away from him in shock and slight regret. Dipper slowly lowers his book, a look of hurt and slight fear just painted onto the canvas of his face. He suddenly gets angry, and storms right passed me.

"You know," he suddenly says, right before he exits the room. "I thought you were different. I was happy to think you actually believed in me! But no, you're just like Grunkle Stan! And guess what!" Dipper shouts, leaving the room and putting a foot on the step. "I'm going to talk to Mabel! And she'll probably believe me!" Without another word, he storms up the steps, with me never looking at him at all.

I just stare at the carpet, wondering what in doughnuts I just did. Not just that, but what I said also. I look over to "Supernatural and More", my eyes just lingering on it before I drag my feet heavy with lead over to it and slowly bend down to pick it up. 

I never snapped at someone before. I never thought I would. But here it happened, causing pain on one of my cousins. And not only that, but giving a blow to my dream. How could I have said something so horrible about my dream. The one to make mom happy?

I just stand in the room, looking to the ground not knowing what to do at that moment. I squeeze "Supernatural and More" to my chest, guilt just piling into me as I move like a sloth to get out of the room. I just keep staring at the ground, letting my feat take me away over to the dusty floorboards .

'Congratulations. You proved not only to be the biggest jerk to one of your cousins, but lie to yourself.'

I didn't lie, I spoke the truth. As much as it hurts.

'Truth of what? That what your cousin says isn't true? That the unnatural exits? Or both? What if you're the one who's lying? What if your cousin speaks the truth? What if those creatures in the books you read as a kid and still do today are real?' 

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