Chp. 1: Mysterious Books, Boys, and Gnomes! Oh My! (Rewritten)

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Reader's Pov:

"Why are we made to do this?" Dipper asks me as we hang up a sign that was shaped like an arrow to point towards the Mystery Shack in the foggy woods. Dipper's the one hammering the nails into the trees while I hold onto the signs.

How did the both of us get into this job?


"Aw, why?" Mabel whined as Grunkle Stan came through the door, causing Dipper to laugh at her. While the two of them hang out in the gift shop talking about boys, I was sitting next to Wendy at the counter still reading "Supernatural and More". I promised myself to avoid as much conversation in this shack (yeah, it's more of shack than a cottage which I thought a bit earlier) by reading slowly like a sloth. If they could read, that is.

"Alright, alright, look alive people. I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest," Stan announced, holding up a bunch of poorly made signs.

"Not it!" Dipper quickly declined, with Mabel in tow.

"No thanks," I replied, still keeping my face into the book while Soos also proclaimed to not go either, resulting Stan to rudely say he wasn't talking to him. Jee, nice boss. Stan then called to Wendy, but of coarse this had to be her answer.

"I would, but I-I-can't reach it," She said, her hand grabbing at the air in the direction of Stan and above my head. This then resulted with Stan choosing an unwillingly Dipper to go.

"Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods, I feel like I'm being watched," Dipper said, causing me to slightly to look up.

"Ugh, this again," Stan exclaimed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm telling you something weird is going on in this town. Just today my mosquito bite spelled out "Beware"," Dipper argued, showing Stan his arm. Now, I got intrigued. Stan just squinted and said, "That spells "Bewarb"."

He then goes back to explaining about monsters in the forest not being real, which has been said by him a couple of times now, and I just go back to reading. I was thinking of asking Dipper about the bite, but remember what I promised myself and decided to forget. So much to having a mystery on your hands (Y/n).

Yet, fate's a jerk again as "Supernatural and More" is taken from under my eyes.

"I need you to go with him."

I looked up at Stan, seeing the book in his hand high up in the air while throwing the signs at me.

"Isn't this child labour?" I asked him, putting the signs on the counter to show my rebellion.

"Look kid, as long as your staying under this roof this summer, your going to be helping me with this stuff," Stan said, picking up the signs and slightly shoving them back towards me. Yet, I don't take them from him, glaring at him instead while he just glared back. The tension got thick, causing Wendy to scoot from me like she noticed a bear next to her. I finally caved in, seeing as how Stan wasn't backing down.

"Fine," I grumbled, taking the signs from him and getting off my chair.

"I want my book back when we're done," I said before walking through the door, with Dipper quickly coming after me.


And that's how we got here. Seeing as I didn't respond, Dipper just sighs as he goes to hammer another nail into the tree.

Dipper's pov: (Yea, for those who are rereading this, different character views is something I want to try more)

I sigh seeing as how (Y/n) didn't answer back, hammering a nail in another tree. Ever since our conversation on the bus, (Y/n) doesn't talk to Mabel, me, or anyone else in the Mystery Shack. Like, if we try to talk to (him/her/them), (Y/n) just reads "Supernatural and More" and doesn't hear us. If (he/she/they) does, (he/she/they) just nods or just answers while reading the book. Yet, the issue is that from what (Y/n) told me on the bus, (he/she/they) should have been done with the book on our second/third day here.

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