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''Twas a few days before Christmas, and all was normally abnormal in the now sleepy snow covered town of Gravity Falls. Old Man Muguket still schemed with his mad inventions, Wendy's family hunting for that perfect Christmas tree, and-

Stan: KIDS!

...Right. 'Stanford' Pines and his assistant came back from their little expedition, with Stan yelling for the kids and Soos trying to pull in the 'recently', cut pine tree. A set of footsteps are heard from upstairs, quickly making their way down the stairs and quickly stopping in front of them.

These footsteps belonged to the one and only Pine twins and their cousin, who just stares at the older man as Soos finally pulls the tree inside.

Mabel: Soos, it's beautiful!

Stan: Ha! Found the beauty and chopped it down all by my self!

Yet, Mabel's twin caught his eye on something on one of the branches of this tree.

Dipper: A price tag...?

Stan: Let's decorate a tree!

Mabel cheers at this, walking with Soos to the tv room and chanting 'decorate' along the way with Dipper walking behind. Yet, their cousin stays behind Stan, just staring at him.

(Y/n): Found yourself, huh?

Stan: Look, it was really cold, and didn't wanna waste money. So go decorate.

Yet, as the 13 year old heads towards the others, the pit of (his/her/their) stomach.

Everything still went cheery, Mabel putting candy canes on the Christmas tree, Soos sneaking some off and eating them. When she did notice, Mabel just laughs and starts to eat one too. Stan meanwhile is rubbing some bulbs that somehow shaped his face to reflect him, and Dipper putting them on the tree while (Y/n) gave him the ones Stan finished with.

Until the tree shook.

Dipper: Uh... Did anyone else just see that?

(Y/n): Probably just Mabel and Soos.

Mabel: What about us?

(Y/n)'s went wide as the Christmas bulbs, looking behind (him/her/them) to see Mabel and Soos snacking on some candy canes. The tree then shook harder, causing the duo to gasp while Dipper and (Y/n) quickly walk back from it.

(Y/n): Grunkle Stan, this better not be some stupid prank of your's!!!

Stan: What prank? Last one I did was replacing someone's shampoo with hair dye!

Dipper: ...That was you?

The tree then starts to really shake, causing the ornaments to fling through the air and shatter once making contact on the floor.

Mabel: The candy canes!

Stan: My faces!

?: To the South Pole with your faces!

Suddenly, a cold air swept through the tv room, causing the lights in the shack to black out and the group to huddle together for warmth. The once normal tree began to twist and turn, then swirl right in the air.

Summer Memories #1: June (Gravity Falls Reader Insert!)Where stories live. Discover now