Chp. 3: "A Lake Monster with an Expected Rain of Beavers" (Rewritten)

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"DID WE JUST HIT SOMETHING!?!" Dipper screams. Right now, the twins and I are riding in the back of Stan's car as the said man drives. Probably way over the speed limit.

"Nah, we're fine!" Stan shouts, yet how can you trust a man who runs a tourist trap? Especially with how he made all of us wear blind folds.




Getting out of the car, I lean on the side, my legs shaky like swaying trees and my stomach feeling it just got off a rollercoaster. Since the blindfold was still on, I can't tell where we are. The ground underneath me feels unstable, and slowly I steady myself to stand upright, moving my arms in front of me to walk forward. I then bump into someone, making me stumble a bit before regaining balance.

"Uh... You okay (Y/n)? You look kinda-"

"I'm fine," I interrupt Dipper, moving to his left to stand next to him. Ever since the gnome incident, I been keeping on my promise, still reading that "Supernatural and More" book. What about the other book? The one that Stan let me get free from the gift shop? Well, I'm reading my other books first before getting to that one.

Back to talking, I think Dipper has been trying to start a conversation ever since then. Can't he get the hint I don't want to talk!?!

"Okay, okay! ...Open them up!"

After hearing Grunkle Stan give the command, I pull off the blindfold. What I saw lead me to believe today was going to be filled with the torment of boredom.

"Ta-da! It's fishing season!"

"Fishing?" Mabel questions beside me while Dipper looks at Stan with a questioning look. For once, I slightly agree with Mabel. Why fishing when we can go hiking in the woods or play board games? Those are more fun. The reason this whole thing started was because of a thing called 'family-fun day'. A day where Stan most likely gets us on the band wagon for forgery and conning people. Last time we (I was forced to join), had one involved a painting class for creating forged money by your Grunkle's truly, and the county jail.

"What are you playing at, old man?" Dipper asks, pointing his finger to Stan like making an accusation.

"You're gonna love it! The whole town's out here!" Stan exclaims as he turns around to face the lake.

Out on the lake, one lady was holding a frying pan out and a man fell into the water from the dock. The most weirdest thing out there was some boys cheering on their dad as he was punching something while a short man next them chants along. Man, can this town get any weirder?

"Grunkle Stan, why do you want to bond with us all the sudden?" Dipper questions as he folds his arms. Actually, that's a good point. When 'family-fun days' pop up, Stan doesn't really put in the effort for the 'family'. And I can't see how fishing is going to be used for conning unless there's a new 'creature exhibit' for the mystery shack.

"Come on, this is going to be great!" Stan says as he walks up to us. "I never had fishing buddies before. The guys from the lodge won't go with me. They don't 'like' or 'trust' me," he says as he references the words 'like' and 'trust'. I think the guys at the lodge are probably some of the smartest people here in Gravity Falls.

"I think he actually wants to fish with us," Mabel tells Dipper and I with a concerned look. Yeah, that or getting us to conn with him.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you sad-sacks up!" When Stan finishes, he pulls something from behind his back and places it on Dipper and Mabel's heads with a pow. "Pines family fishing hats!" Stan reveals as he hands me mine. "T-That's hand stitching, you know?"

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