"I'm Lost."

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Kai's voice was booming my apartment.

"I mean, it's not like I can't feel anything. Ever since I merged with Luke, I have these feelings... emotions and I don't know what to do with them!!" He rants.

"Well you can't change what people think of you. The only thing you can really do is keep being yourself and not care what they think..." I say.

"That's the thing. I do care! I've changed and they won't believe me and it's so frustrating!!" He screams.

"I know you've changed. The rest will come with time Kai. You and I both know that you weren't a saint the last few months."

He huffs and rubs his neck.

"You wouldn't understand." He says lowly.

"What do you mean 'I wouldn't understand'?" I ask.

"I mean that you have innocence still in you. You don't kill people for the fun of it. I don't deserve you." He explains.

I stand from my bed and say:

"You think that because I don't do what you do, that I don't know what it's like to get hurt?" I ask.

"Ahh. You must be referring to your sister, Y/S/N. You lose one person and you are like boohoo, I lost my sister. What am I going to do without her? Well newsflash! I killed four of my siblings and I liked it. I plunged a hunting knife into my twin sister's spleen. Now, I know that you think that you are my friend because you need someone to lean on and to talk to.... blah blah blah. But really, you are just a stupid desperate woman, wanting attention from anyone who will give it to you...."

He continues to rant and I press my lips together trying to hold back my tears. And I manage to squeak out:

"Are you done?"

He stops his rant and realizes what he said.

"Shit! Y/N, I am so sorry." He apologizes.

I don't say anything. I just grab my jacket and walk out the door. He grabs my arm, pulling me back. I turn around and bare my fangs.

"Leave me alone." I say and yank my arm away from his grasp.

I open the door to see a very angry Damon. His gaze falls on Kai and his feature softened when he saw me.

"Go, get some air. I'll stay here and make sure he doesn't attempt anything more stupid."
Damon says.

I walk passed him and he pulled me towards him and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I send him a thankful smile and vamp speed away.


I arrive at my sister's grave and I knelt down on one knee.

"Kai managed to do it again. If someone so much as mentions your name, I'm a wreck... I used to be the strong sister, the one that rarely cries, the one that would console you..... and I feel like, that part of me died with you..."

Tears slide down my cheeks as I continue to talk.

"Now I feel like a fragile little girl who lost her sister. And it's frustrating because that's not what I am suppose to be, that's not what I am. I've contemplated on leaving but there's too much here to leave. I'm lost, sister........ I'm lost."

I lower my head and rest it on my knee. Then I heard a familiar smooth voice say:


I jolt up and see Marcel.

"Marcel? Hi. Wh-what are you doing here?" I stutter as I wipe the dirt of my pants.

"I came as soon as I heard." He says stepping closer.

"No, Marcel. Don't come any closer. I don't want you to see me cry." I say shielding my face with my hand.

He walks closer to me and gently pulls my hand off. Then he intertwines his hand with mine and said:

"I always thought you look beautiful when you cried. You don't have to hide from me." He whispers.

His chocolate brown orbs burn into mine.
His eyes gently travel from my eyes to my lips. Soon after, he pressed his soft lips to mine. He pulls me closer my the waist and then he pulls away slightly, still connecting his forehead to mine.

"Come with me. Back to New Orleans..." He starts.

"Marcel..." I say.

"Y/N. You're miserable here. All you have here is sadness and pain... I can show what happiness should feel like. I've done it before and I can do it again." He says.

"What about Kai?" I ask.

"Forget Kai." He says.


"Just give me a chance. Two weeks tops."


"Good." He finalized.

His lips collided with mine and he deepens the kiss.

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