Ending Teaser

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There was a huge flash of light and suddenly I am hurdling into an empty street. I brush the dirt off my hands as I stand up. I look around me and notice that there is literally no one in sight. There are no cars moving or children playing; there isn't even a dog barking. The street was just silent.

"Hello?" I yell, only to find my own voice echoing back at me.

I walk down the street hoping to find Kai, the only person that I came here for. After torturing a few people, it finally got out that Kai was stuck in another prison world. Poor guy, doesn't he ever catch a break.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, I not realize that I am now in town.

"Hello? Kai?" I say.

Still no response.

I huff and continue walking until I heard a faint bass boost from afar. I follow the sound to a small red shack with a rickety sign that said:

"Welcome to the Devil's Den!"

"Well then," I say to myself.

I walk inside and immediately cup my ears as I hear a song being played on its highest volume.

"What the hell?" I say as I make my way to the juke box.

I stare down at it and debate in my head whether to find a better song and lower the volume, or just smash it to pieces. I shrug my shoulder and pick up a chair to throw at the jukebox. Electricity sizzles as the chair breaks through the glass and disrupts its circuit.

"Who's there?" Kai asks.

"Bonnie! Get me out of here right the fuck now, or I swear to God I will rip out your heart and shove it down your throat!" Kai threatens.

"Okay first of all, I'm offended that you called me Bonnie. And second of all, you sound kinda hot when you're threatening." I say as I walk towards him.

"Who.." He trails off as I step into the light.

"Y/N?" He says.

A cute smile plastered on his face as he laughed.

"You are the last person that I expected to be here." He says.

"Well I'm in need to a partner in crime and you were the first person who came to mind. I did some asking around and found out that you were here." I explain.

"And.. uh.. how are we getting out of here?" He asks.

"I've got that taken care of. Let's just worry about getting you out of here." I say as I realize that he is chained down into a chair.

"Bonnie did this?" I ask.

"Yep, she sure did. What a bitch." He says.

"I was going to say kinky, but yeah, that works too." I say as I take the cold chains into my hands.

I pull the chains into opposite direction and I heard the steel creak under my strength. Once the chains finally break, Kai stands from the chair and cracks as many bones in his body as he could.

"Damn that felt good," he says with a smile.

He towers over me and I say:


"Hi," He says with a smile.

"You ready to get out of here?" I say.

"Hell yeah," he says.

I take his hand into mine and drag him out of the bar. We walk back to the place where I landed and I pull out a dimensional stone to speak into, since real phones don't work in prison worlds.

"Okay, we're good." I say into the stone.

"Copy that," Marcel says.

"Who's that?" Kai asks.

I am interrupted by another big flash of light and we are suddenly back into Mystic Falls. We thank the witch that helped us, but when she started to say a spell under her breath, Marcel snapped her neck.

Marcel, Kai and I walk back to the car and I ask:

"Alright, what are you in the mood of doing? Feeding? Traveling? Revenge?.."

"How about all of those things?" Kai suggests.

"That's sounds good to me," Marcel says.

"This is going to be fun," I say with a mischievous smile.

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