Prison World (1/3) -Requested-

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A/N: BlueBalloon766 : Here is your request! Hope you enjoy it. 😊

I coast to a stop in front of the Salvatore House. I huff as I rest my head on the steering wheel.

Today was the day that we were going to bring Bonnie back from the prison world. Granted, Damon is all good and great to be around.... but the way that Elena shut off and became a herb addict... how cold and heartless Stefan became... I can't forgive them.

I mean, did I miss Damon and Bonnie? Yes. Did I dedicate everything to try and get them back? Yes.

But did I push all of my friends away in the process? No.

And that's where they went wrong. Elena and Stefan pushed everyone away, all because they lost someone as important in their lives. Well newsflash, we lost him too.

Caroline was my light in the sea is dark. She kept me going when I was starting to lose hope. She was the exact opposite of Elena, and that's why she's my best friend.

Bonnie is my best friend too, she really knew what is was like to balance being a witch and being a junior in college for my masters in (Y/C/M).

I can't wait to get her back, so we can go back to the way things were. Just the three of us: Caroline, Bonnie and me, living the college life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I check to see Caroline's name.

I answer:


"Jordan, where are you?!"

"Chill. I'm outside the Salvatore house now, I'm on my way in." I say.

"Ok just hurry up."

"Love you too."

I hang up and hop out of my car. I lock the doors as I walk towards the front door. I don't bother knocking, I just walk right in.

"Glad you could make it, J." Damon states.

"Thanks." I say as he engulf me in a hug.

I see Caroline leaning against a wall as she playfully glares at me.

I open my arms and wait for her to hug me. She vamp speeds to me and says:

"We're finally getting her back!"

She jumps up and down with excitement.

"Alright, I can take up to three people into the other world, not including me." Liv states.

"Okay. So who's going?" Damon asks.

Stefan, Caroline, Elena, Damon and I all look at each other.

"I'll go." Elena says.

I roll my eyes at her, just her presence alone annoys me.

"Jordan should go... she could be the back up if things go wrong over there." Liv says.

I nod and Liv peeps to get ready.

Caroline walks up to me and says:

"Be careful."

"I will."

Liv tells Damon, Elena and I to hold hands. I reluctantly comply and as I listen to Liv chanting, I feel a surge of energy flow through me. I open my eyes and notice that am in Mystic Falls, there is no one else besides Damon, Elena and I.

I'm haven't been here not a minute and I'm already wanting to leave this place. I couldn't even imagine how Bonnie was able to survive this place all by herself.

I spin around slowly as I examine the familiar yet foreign version of Mystic Falls.

"Come on guys, we have no time to waste here." Damon states.

I snap out of my gaze and follow him to the Salvatore House. My heart bangs against my ribcage as Damon opens the door.

"Bonnie?" I ask.

My voice echos through the wooden halls of the house. There was no response, so we started to search through the house and Damon says:

"Her pager! She still have a pager! All I need to do is find one so I can contact her!"

He scrambles around until he finds a pager. He sends her a message and minutes later, the phone rings.

I dash to the phone before anyone else and answer it.

"Bonnie?" I say.

I hear her gasp over the phone before she says:


"Thank god you're okay." I say.

"I missed you so much." I add.

"I missed you too." She says.

"Who.. who else is with you? Are you by yourself? Please tell me that you aren't here by yourself?" She frantically asks.

"No, I'm not here by myself. Damon and Elena are here with me." I say.

"Oh thank god." She states

Before I could say anything else, Damon snatches the phone from me.

"Hey Bon-Bon," He starts.

I roll my eyes and walk through the house. I walk into a room that was most likely Bonnie's. The room has celebrate magazines, chocolate, Salt N' Peppa soundtracks, witch craft books stacked neatly on the desk.

Yep, definitely Bonnie's room.

As I continue to search through the room, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look around and see no one. I huff to myself and walk out of the room. At the same exact time I step out into the hall, I hear a snicker coming from the room.

I chanted to open every door and drawer in the room. There was nobody here.

"What the hell?" I say.

I reverse the spell and restore everything back to the way it was.

I calmly walk out of the room and dash down the stairs.

"Hey, Damon. There is someone else in the house." I say softly.

"Well how do you know?" Elena asks.

"I walked into Bonnie's room and I felt like I was being stared at. I checked and there was nobody there. I left the room and I heard a snicker. I went back into the room and searched every drawer and door. There was nobody, which means that whomever is here, is a witch and they are invisible. Which also means that they a dangerous." I say.

Elena runs her fingers through his hair and Damon's eyes squint in thought.

"I think I know who's here." He says.

"Who?" Elena and I ask in unison.

"Me." A male voice states out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, a 6'0" man with dark brown hair, mild green eyes, pearly white teeth appears right next to me.

"Hi! I'm Kai."

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