Bonding (1/2)

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I take the bottle of whiskey and I take a swig of it. I hum as the smooth liquid made its way down my throat.

"This tastes amazing," I say.

Kai takes a swig and he hums as well.

"This isn't as strong as I last tasted this? What kind is it?" He asks.

"Tennessee Whiskey," I answer.

Kai and I advance to door and kept walking through the woods as we spoke about our lives.

"So what's the history between you and Elijah?" He asks.

"Not much.. just that I fell for him instead of his brother who turned me because he fell in love with me. But his brother can be murderous psycho and he gets violent when ever he gets the slightest skeptical of your trust." I explain.

"Jeez, no wonder you didn't want to date him. I mean, I don't have emotion so there really isn't anytime where I would act on something because I'm jealous." He says.

"What do you mean you don't have emotions? Did you turn off your switch?" I ask.

"It's not like I don't have emotion.. it's more like I generally don't care about other people, like at all. It doesn't matter the age either. I kill because I'm bored and I don't feel bad." He explains.

"So you're emotionally detached?" I say.

"That's a really simple way of putting it, but yeah, I guess I am." He says.

"Okay.. so what happened?" I ask.


"What happened? Why are you emotionally detached?" I ask.

"What makes you think something happened to me?" He asks.

"Because no one is born a sociopath or a psychopath. Something had happened to happen to you to make you into a sociopath." I explain before taking a swig of my whiskey.

"That's the first time someone has ever said that to me." He says.

I look over at him to see his eyes fixated on the ground in front of him. I could tell that I was making him uncomfortable and decided to change the topic.

"Are you close to the place you were talking about?" I ask.

"Hm? Yeah, we're close." He says.

"I'm sorry for bringing up dirt on something you wanted to keep buried." I apologize.

"No, don't apologize. I'm not upset, I'm just.. processing." He says.

"Other people would say that I was a monster and deserve to burn in hell from all the people that I've killed." He adds.

"Monsters aren't born, they're made. You were not born a monster, Kai. Nobody is." I explain.

"All my life, I've been told that I was a disappointment, an outsider... the black sheep of my family. Everyone in the Gemini Coven were born perfect witches and warlocks, everyone except me. Me, I'm a siphon. Which means that I can only take magic and I don't have any magic of my own. They though that something happened to me in the womb, so they would call me the defect twin." He explains.

"Oh my God. No offense dude but your family are assholes. What else did they expect to happen if you keep reminding someone all their life how much of a disappointment they are?" I say.

"We're here!" Kai intercepts.

I look around to see that we are standing in a cemetery. "You took me to a cemetery?" I ask.


"Wow, you sure know how to charm a girl." I say sarcastically.

"Think about it. Rarely anyone comes over here because, well.. it's sad for them to think of their lost loved ones. It's quiet and you can see the stars perfectly from roof." He explains.

"How did you come across this anyway?" I ask

"I came here a lot when I didn't have anyone else." He says.

I look over to him when I heard the tone of his voice change. I dash to the top of the roof and stood upon on it.

"You comin' up or what?" I taunt.

He looked where I was a few seconds ago to where I am now. I chuckle lightly and before I knew it, he was right in front of me. When I realize how close we were to one another, I take a step back and my foot slipped.

I felt my weight all shift backwards and I gasp as I flail my arms. I felt Kai's of hands hold onto my waist and pull me towards him. I wrap my arms around him and clung to him so I wouldn't fall.

I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed and I still held onto him.

"It's okay. I gotcha.." He says and I slowly pull away from him.

Our nose brushes against one another and I could feel his breath against my lips. I pull myself out of his grasp.


I clear my throat before adding:

"You mentioned seeing the stars from here,"

"Look up," He says.

My breath leaves my lungs as I see the sky so dark that it is almost black. The small stars burn their baby blue color as they sat in the sky while the Earth spins lazily. 

"Whoa," I say.

"This is almost as beautiful as summertime in Rome," I add as I sit down on the roof.

I stretch out my legs before I cross them and lean most of my weight on my hands. Kai does the same and he moves his leg so it rests against mine. I continue to look up into the sky and didn't move a muscle.

"So visited Rome?" He asks, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I visited all over the world. But my favorite is and always will be my hometown, Olinda, Brazil." I say.

"Lucky, I'm from Portland, Oregon. There's literally nothing to do there." He says, rocking his leg a little.

"Probably a lot more to do than Delaware,"

"Dela-where?" He asks.


My mind drifts to what Elijah said and tears made their way to my eyes. My hands start to shake and a sob escaped my lips.

"I'm sorry." I say as I try to pull myself together.

Another sob left my lips and it was much stronger and louder than the previous.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to stop myself from crying. But it didn't work." I say with strain.

"Then don't stop yourself. Just let it all out. There's no one else besides me, you and a bunch of dead people." He says.

I rest my head on his shoulder and he holds me as I continued to cry.

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