Jealous Master

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Just gon' say hi to a fren.

Hey dragon XD
No tell.

This was a request from way back, don't think I forgot 'bout you, m8.



A handsome bearded man nudged his best friend and business partner, "He who holds the riches gets the bitches" (quote made possible by 0MrBrightside0 2017)

Jonathan snorted, almost spilling his drink in the process. He looked away from the crowd of people he hardly knew, his best friend taking up his attention with a wide grin. "Excuse me?" His voice expressed disbelief but also humor towards his friend's remark.

Luke shrugged and gestured across the room with his drink in hand, "there are so many fine specimen around here, why do you insist on staying here on the sidelines?" The bearded male watched his friend look around.

Jonathan's beautiful aqua jewels met plenty of eyes, different colors yet same intentions. See, Jonathan wasn't only rich, he was also well known by the ladies as being a sex god.

He hated it.

Having all kinds of women walk up to him to try and seduce him. Younger, older, tall, short, thin, curvy, it was a melting pot for him. Yet their goal was simple and overrated all on its own, get pregnant, get the money, that's how they all saw it. That's how they wanted the man to settle down when he wasn't even sure he was into women anymore.

He frowned at the thought, searching for the owner of glimmering chocolate orbs that were responsible for getting him into this mindset.

"Oh, I see you brought your maid," Luke hummed, watching a lone figure walking through the crowd, head down as to avoid eye contact with others that would be frowned upon by someone.

Jonathan waited, his lungs holding the breath he'd last taken until he was able to see those pretty eyes. The owner of the shining browns just as simple yet stunning, the one solely responsible for the question mark he'd set on his sexuality.

"Here you are, sir. They ran out of your favorite so I had to help down in their wine cellar to fetch some more," the small male held out a crystal clear wine glass in his gloved hand.

Jonathan smiled softly, taking the glass and thanking the boy, "Evan's not just a maid, Luke." He mumbled as he took a sip from the wine.

Luke raised a brow in question, looking from the godlike man to the humble boy. They were both admiring the dancing couples, simple curves at the end of their lips to form small smiles.

Then it clicked.

Luke smirked mischievously, finishing up his drink and wandering into the crowd to look for an oblivious female.

Meanwhile, Jonathan found it a challenge to keep his eyes away from Evan too long. He just couldn't help it, every detail about Evan's face was permanently etched into his mind. He found it difficult to tell Evan about how his beautiful innocent eyes were so captivating, how he noticed the golden streaks within them, how he noticed when they were a shade darker or lighter, how new golden streaks would appear or vanish, sometimes replaced with a dark orange. He was deathly afraid to tell him all that, even more so about how it only took him two seconds to notice everytime.

Evan, meanwhile, had to hold back because this just wasn't a fairytale, this wasn't the kind of story to end with 'happily ever after'. He was just a servant, nothing more. Though he couldn't help but count those clear freckles on Jonathan's nose and cheekbones, the ones on his back and shoulders were much more but God, how he loved to count those.

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