Time heals (?)

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Do people still read these?



"Hello?" The voice was seductive and silky, Evan almost threw up.

"My man is busy at the moment, dont call again," she giggled and ended the call.

Evan inhaled to calm himself but when that didnt work his phone ended up across the room. He wasn't the least bit concerned about the crack he heard nor the incoming call that followed.

"What happened??" Brian came rushing out, the loud bang having drawn him out of his room.

Evan's gaze went to his boyfriend's roommate from where he sat on the couch, his eyes glazed over. Brian's concern shifted from whatever had been tossed across the room to the sadness in Evan's doe eyes.

"What's the matter?" Brian asked, moving to sit beside his friend's boyfriend.

"Its Jon-- he-" Evan paused as a cold chill ran down his spine. All he saw was Jonathan as he found himself lost in the depths of Brian's eyes.

"You're scaring me, bud. C'mon, talk to me," he could feel Evan's shoulders tense under his touch.

"Brian-" Evan sobbed, shutting his eyes and clinging to him as the tears began trailing down his cheeks.

The irishman was taken aback but he returned the embrace nonetheless,"let it out.."

He'd never been any good at consoling someone in tears, his best attempts were an awkward hug and reassurance that everything would be fine. But what if it wasn't?

He waited patiently, listening to Evan cry and yell hysterically before it subsided to quiet whimpers and sniffling. Brian cleared his throat, "you wanna tell me what's going on?"

There was a short pause, Evan sniffled and lifted his face off Brian's chest. He blushed at the tears -and probably mucus- he'd left on Brian's shirt. The irishman didn't seem to mind as he gave Evan an encouraging smile.

"I've been having th-this gut feeling for a while. Like whenever J-Jon leaves or he starts getting tons of texts, he's never suspicious about it but I just felt something was off.."

Brian put two and two together immediately and he was enraged to say the least but he listened to Evan intently.

"I.. I just felt the need to call him, I don't know what it was but I'm glad I did because now I know--" his face scrunched up in pain again as the overwhelming wave of emotions washed over him.

"Fuck.. I'm so sorry, Evan." Brian frowned at himself as he held Evan again. He wanted to help so bad but he knew Evan would be inconsolable after the heartbreak he'd just endured.

As he held Evan in his arms, Brian couldn't stop imagining the beating he'd give Jonathan for what he's done. Eventually Evan's cries died out and Brian felt his bodyweight a lot more prominent than at first.

"You poor thing.. you cried yourself to sleep didn't you?" Brian sighed when there was no answer other than Evan's soft breathing.

Making himself comfortable, Brian shifted so he could hold Evan in his arms properly and not just an awkward side hug. His eyelids grew heavy eventually and he did nothing to fight it.


The door swung open hitting the wall with a loud bang, it echoed through the apartment startling the sleeping couple.

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