From the shadows

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Requested by: SepticSuni

Don't think I forgot, I've just had this in my drafts for ages (':


Where Evan finds himself attracting the popular bad boy with a dark secret. It'd be fine with him if he wasn't a straight jock who's dating a sweet girl.

Can you tell I'm running out of ideas?


He was at a party when he first noticed. Evan could practically feel those ice crystals glued to him and taking in every one of his movements. He was curious, who wouldn't be? But when his own chocolates met mysterious oceans, Evan felt his body tense and tremble.

"Your scent, it's frustrating."

Evan remembers feeling hurt and confusion from those words. They were whispered harshly and in the hallway where Tyler's bathroom was. The guy who said this to him was a few inches taller and looked like he just wanted to make that comment before taking off. Evan remembers looking after the guy who very hurriedly exited Tyler's party. He also remembers asking a few people if he smelled odd; he smelled just fine.


"Stop looking over at me every fucking minute."

Evan tensed, his hands still dripping with soap. He looked up at the mirror in front of him; to his surprise, behind his own figure was the guy whose face he memorized at this point.

It took him a while to think up a comeback and a few more seconds to get his lips and vocal chords moving. "What about you? When I look at you, you're already staring back," Evan muttered as he looked over his shoulder at the other male.

The only response he got was a few seconds of silence and an unmoved expression. But Evan could tell, his eyes said it all. He called him out and the guy had nothing else to say because he was right.



Evan sat at his usual table with his friends and girlfriend. They knew not to bug him lately and asked no questions as to why. For that, he was thankful because he wasn't ready to tell his friends and girlfriend that he felt attraction towards a guy who practically despised him.

It was funny, really, he'd never spoken a word to the guy before the restroom incident. He probably would've asked what his problem was when the guy told him he smelled weird at the party but he was too confused then to react. Now, Evan felt like he was just about ready to throw an avalanche of questions and insults if the guy ever confronted him again.

Speaking of which..

Evan dried his hands with the paper towels. He didn't bother to look up because he knew from the aggressive footsteps and the way the door opened: he was here.

He felt the familiar glare as he took his time on throwing away his paper towel and turning to look at him, his hip leaning on the porcelain sink.

"What makes you think you can just leave a note in my locker?"

Evan crossed his arms and shrugged.

The guy gave an agitated sigh, "what do you want?"

Evan smirked, "answers."

Blue eyes raised a perfect brow, a gesture that made Evan feel heat in his gut. He blushed a little, his legs crossing a bit tighter, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed. Thankfully, it wasn't brought up and instead, the taller male crossed his arms and shrugged.

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