January 1

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Know that the entire story is already written, but parts will be added over time. Thank you. Please enjoy!!!

Annette Astra Jones
-January 1-Saturday-Yep, this is really happening.
    When I start a new journal it always makes me feel excited.
Almost as if the future to come will be spectacular. So many
possibilities, especially now that I'm living in D.C. With my mom,
sister, and new stepdad. My stepdad, or as I call him, Tyler, is an
FBI agent. He was sent on assignment to New York City, where we
lived. That was six months ago. Since then my mom and him have
fallen in love. They got married on December twenty-six. Right after
that they flew to D.C. for there honeymoon. All of our furniture and
stuff had already been shipped up there. While they were on their
honeymoon my little sister and I stayed with friends. Over the six
months I've known Tyler I havnt really gotten to know him. I
actually have been trying to avoid him. Not that there's anything
wrong with him. I just don't want a dad, in general I mean. But I
see how happy he makes my mom so I told her that I had no problems
with them getting married when she had asked my opinion. My sister
had gotten to know Tyler. She says he tells her jokes and makes her
laugh. My sister is Isabella. She is ten. When I was five our dad
left us. At the time my mom was pregnant with Isabella so she never
had the displeasure of knowing the man. My mom and dad got married
at the young age of twenty. I remember little about him, but what I
do remember is that he was always yelling. I hated that. He was
always yelling at me or mom, which in turn would make me cry. Then
he would only yell at me more. At the young age of five I learned
how to hide pain, fear, and anger. That was ten years ago. So now I
am fifteen, Isabella is ten, mom is thirty five, and Tyler is thirty
seven, I think. On New Year's Eve Isabelle and I flew up to D.C.
where mom and Tyler were waiting to pick us up. On the way to our
new house Isabella chattered on about something her friends had told her.
I zoned everyone out and stared out the window. When we got to
the house, which was on the outskirts of town on some land, I looked
around. It was a beautiful two story white house with a large porch
and red window shutters. From the house you couldn't see any houses.
I had gotten out of the car was a large great dane came running for
us. He came and sniffed us all. Tyler said, "this is Bert." He was a
sweet dog. He was as tall as Isabella. That made me laugh, in my
head of course. Mom and Tyler showed us inside. The whole house was
beautiful decorated with everything from our old house. Mom, no
doubt, had wanted everything to be perfect for us. She showed us up
to the second floor to our separate rooms. Where stuff lay
everywhere unpacked but lying on the floor for us to put wherever we
like. Once I was showed my room mom told us both that lunch would be
at twelve, but to get settled in until then. Once they left I closed
the door and pulled out my phone. It said 9:34. I turned on my
Christian music and turned it up as loud as I could without my mom
storming up here to tell me to turn it down. I started putting
everything in its place. After a couple hours of organizing I heard
someone say,"Annette." I gasped, very startled, and spun around. It
was Tyler. As soon as I saw him I put on my mask, as I like to call
they way I hide my emotions. His eyebrows were pushed together to
form a v. I reached for my phone and turned off the music. Tyler
said,"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you. Lunch is ready." I nodded
and we just stood there for a couple of seconds, awkwardly, before
he turned to walk away. I looked around at the progress I had made.
My bed with made, clothes hung in my closet, shoes were stacked in
my closet, my books were organized on the shelves, and my posters
were put up on the wall. As I walked down stairs I said, in my head,
the sayings that were on the posters, which I knew so well. There
were six. They said the following: "With kindness she kills them;
with strength she buries them."
"she has been through hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into a fire and
smiles.""Life is tough my darling, but so are you.""Storms make
trees root deeper."" God won't bring you to it if he can't get you
through it." And " The one who falls and gets up is stronger then
the one who never fell." They were quotes that really reflected me.
Lunch was interesting to say the least... mom, Isabella, and Tyler
talked while I just ate. All of a sudden I heard mom say my name. I
looked up. She had that worried expression shd always got when I
zoned out. Honestly, I know I worry her sometimes. When ever it's
just me, mom, and Isabelle we are always happy and laughing, but
when other people are around I, in a way, withdraw. We talked about
it one time. I explained to her that I was an extrovert when it came
to being around people I knew, but with people I didn't know I was
an introvert. My mind was jolted back to the present when mom
said,"How do you like the house,Annette?" I put on a little smile
and said,"It is a beautiful house. I like it very much." Then mom
said,"Oh! Tyler why don't you drive Annette down to the high school
and show her what it looks like." I looked at Tyler who said,"Good
idea, Pauline. What do you think, Annette?" I nodded stiffly and
said,"Sounds great." After lunch I got into the passenger seat next
to Tyler. He drove down the driveway and onto the road. We didn't
talk. Tyler cleared his throat and said,"the high school is D.C.
High. It is twenty minutes from the house. It isn't a large school,
but it isn't a small one either. They have a football team,
basketball team,tennis team, volleyball team, and a cheer team. I
stared straight ahead the whole time he was talking. I said,"Cool."
He slowed down as he drove past the school then suddenly parked the
car. I looked at him, surprised, but not showing it. He turned
toward me and said,"Alright. We need to talk." I asked,"bout what?"
I inched towards the door, feeling awkward at the nearness of Tyler.
He must have noticed because his brows crinkled together. 
He said,"Apparently, you hate me. I need to know why so maybe I can
change that." I looked away then looked back and said,"listen,
Tyler. I don't hate you at all. I don't even know you. We haven't
even carried on a conversation for more then two minutes." He said
after a moment,"but that's not the only thing? Because if it was
then you would be trying to get to know me." I inhaled sharply
before saying,"Okay, you want to know. I don't want a dad. I don't
mean anything against you. I see how much mom and Isabella love you.
They need you. Mom needs a husband that will treat her right and
that won't... yell all the time. Isabella needs a dad to help take
care of her and be there for her. I on the other hand haven't needed
a dad in my entire life, nor have I wanted one." We both stared at
each other for a long moment before Tyler turned back towards the
steering wheel and said,"very well. But please give me a chance.
Your mother told me about your dad and I promise I am nothing like
him. I just want you to get to know me better and I, you." I said,"
I... will try. Just give me time." We rode back in silence and when
I got home I went up to my room and worked more. Then after a dinner
that was very much like lunch, we went to a movie. After coming home
I hugged mom and said my good nights. I was feeling a bit jet
lagged. I'm glad I don't have school till January third.

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now