January 2

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Sorry that the story is in the middle of my page. It doesn't like me transferring from another app.;)

-January 2-Sunday-not as bad as I imagined.
I woke up and got dressed. The sun was shining brightly. The clock
said nine o'clock. I went down to the kitchen to find breakfast
except Tyler was there making waffles. He said,"come. Sit. I'm
making waffles." I went and sat at the bar. Weird. Mom loves to cook
breakfast... Tyler handed me a piece of paper in between mixing
batter. I opened it. It was from mom. It said, " Annette, I am taking Isabella shopping. Since you seemed
exhausted last night I let you stay home and sleep. Maybe you could
go do something with Tyler. That might be fun. Honestly, Annette.
He's not a bad guy. Just give him a chance. He's your new stepdad
and he wants to get to know you." I sighed. No doubt, mom planned
the "stepdad daughter day" just for us. Tyler put a plate in front
of me and said,"Eat up. I have to make a phone call, but then you
can decide where you want to go for the day." I said,"okay." Tyler
slipped out into the living room. I listened while I ate. Yes, I
know ease dropping is wrong and rude, but how am I supposed to get
to know someone without listening without them knowing? That made me
chuckle. I heard Tyler say,"hey. It's special agent Smithson." That
was Tyler's last name. He continued,"yeah, I'll be back in the
office tomorrow... well... I had plans today." He sighed before
saying,"all right I'll come in and sign the report. But I'm not
staying any longer.... bye." Tyler walked back in as I was still
eating my waffles. He said,"You know where you want to go?" I
said,"any places to go horseback riding." He said,"yes, actually, I
have a friend who owns a stable. We can go over there. I'll call him
when your done... but I need to stop by work on the way to sign a
report that needed to be filed today." I said,"okay cool." Once I
was done eating Tyler called his friend and I went upstairs and got
into my English riding clothes. Which included my riding breeches,
English boots, riding gloves, and riding helmet. I hurried down the
stairs. When I was down in the kitchen I saw Tyler had on cowboy
boots along with his jeans. We both got into the car. I French
braided my hair while we drove to his office. We got there he asked
me,"do you want to come in or wait right here?" I said,"I'll come
in." We went through the front doors and Tyler showed the guard his
ID and grabbed a visitors pass for me. He signed a sheet of paper
when he took the visitors pass. He said,"your gonna have to stay with me while we are in the building. Protocol." We walked to an
elavator and then went to the second floor. There were many
cubicles. A guy who looked seventeen walked up quickly to my
stepdad. He was tall and muscular. He had brown hair and strong
cheek bones. He said,"Hey, mr. T. The report is just on your desk."
The three of us walked up to what I assume is Tyler's desk. The guy
said to me,"I'm Lucas. Mr. T's assistant. I'm getting credits for
high school for this." I smiled and said,"Annette. It's nice to meat
you. What high school do you go to?" He said,"I'm a senior at D.C.
High. You?" I said,"I just moved to town. I'm going to go there. I'm
a sophomore." He said," nice. I'll show you around if you want me
to... I can't help but wonder. Did Mr. T arrest you or something?"
Tyler looked up from what he was signing and was about to say
something when I said,"oh yes. He arrested me. They can't keep me
though because there is no evidence. But until they can get my
parents get out here I have to stay with him." Tyler laughed and
said,"Lucas, don't believe her. She hasn't been arrested. She's my
new stepdaughter." Lucas looked surprised and said,"wow you really
had me going. You played that really well." I smiled and said,"it's
just a gift." Tyler said,"okay. I've signed it. Lucas you'll file it
for me? We have to go." Lucas said,"sure thing, mr. T. I'll see u
after school tomorrow." We all said goodbye and Tyler and I walked
back out to the car. When we were in the car I asked Tyler," So high
school students can work here as assistants?" He glanced at me and
said," yes, but only seniors. It's to show them what it would be
like if they wanted to join the FBI." I said,"so I couldn't work
there?" He said,"no. They're very strict about only seniors and
college students for the temporary assistant jobs." I nodded and
said,"Do you know of any other credit earning jobs or places to
volunteer?"as he drove he said," well... I don't know. I'm sure
there are more I just don't know them off the top of my head." I nodded. We we got to his friends stables I was pleasantly surprised.
It was huge. Horses of all kinds were grazing in the pastures.
People were leading horses on lead ropes. Some were riding, and or
getting ready to ride. A man who looked Tyler's age came up to us as
we were stepping at out of the car. The man shook Tyler's hand.
Tyler said,"Tom this is Annette, my stepdaughter. Annette this is
Tom, a good friend." We shook hands and he said,"well, Annette. You
look ready to ride." I nodded and said,"how many horses do you have?
If I may ask, I mean." Tom said," we have fifty horses that we own.
Seventy five more are boarded by their owners. Come, I'll show you
to your horses." I nodded and Tyler and I both followed. We walked
inside the stable where a dappled horse wearing western gear was
waiting. Tom said," your horse is ready, Tyler." I said,"wait. Do
you own this horse?" Tyler grinned at me as he rubbed the horses
head. He said,"yep. I board him since with my job I can't take care
of him. His name is Prince... if you, Isabella, and your mom want
horses they always have horse for sale, here." I smiled. Tom
said,"but before you buy one we like to have people lease them. To
see if they are a good fit. Come, I'll show you the horses and you
can pick one to ride." Tyler said," I'm gonna go to the ring and
warm up." I walked with Tom down the aisle. I glanced back as Tyler
mounted Prince like an expert. I followed Tom. He stopped at one
stall. Tom said,"this is Abdullah, a five year old Arab." I clicked
with my tongue and he walked over. He looked fifteen hands. Tom
Said," he is a very calm good natured horse." He was a sweet horse.
Beautiful too. All of a sudden I heard a horse snort and kick the
stall door. I turned to see a black horse who look seventeen hands
tall. I walked towards him, but tom stepped in front of me and
said," he's not safe." I said," I have worked with a difficult horse
before. I will be fine." I stepped forward and reached out for him
to smell my hand. He sniffed it then turned to look at me. His ears flicked back and forth, listening. I said,"Tell me about him." Tom
hesitated, but said,"This is Fighter Pilot. Fighter for short. A
retired racehorse, thoroughbred." I said,"can I ride him. Oh please.
I can handle him." He hesitated but agreed. We both tacked him up
together. He fidgeted while we tacked him. Tom said," he doesn't
like the stall." I chuckled and mounted up. I took the reigns in my
hand. I followed Tom to the indoor riding ring. Once their I saw
Tyler cantering around the ring. Maybe Tyler wasnt so bad. Fighter
started fidgeting like he wanted to take off and race Prince. I
laughed and urged him to canter. We quickly caught up with Tyler and
Prince, but I kept a distance between the two horses so as not to
cause them to collide. Once Tyler saw me he slowed his horse to a
walk and I did the same. He said," Want to go for a trail ride?" I
said,"yes!" Excitedly.  We went outside. I followed Tyler. Tyler
glanced down at my horse and he said,"Is that the new racehorse...
um... Fighter pilot?" I said,"Yes. He's an amazing horse." Tyler
said,"can you handle him? Tom said that him being a racehorse, he is
fidgety and easily excited." I said," yeah, I'm good." We rode down
a trail. I urged Fighter to a trot. Tyler urged prince to a lope.
Which is the western equivalent of the trot. I said,"let's canter!"
I urged fighter into a canter and he happily took off and started
racing down the trail. He seemed happy to be able to run. After a
few minutes I slowed to a walk and then I stopped. I turned fighter
around. Tyler and Prince weren't there. Where were they? They were
prob right behind us. I dismounted to check fighter's hooves,
because after a run like that I had to make sure he hadn't caught
any rocks or lost a shoe. I flipped the reigns over his head and
lifted his feet to check them. After I was done I started walking
back down the trail. I walked down the trail with fighter walking
behind me. I saw Tyler and prince trotting towards us. When he got
to us he asked," are you alrighty? Why aren't you riding fighter?" I said," just stretching my legs. What took you so long?" I mounted up
as he laughed and said,"I can't beat a horse like fighter. I know
when I'm beat." I laughed. We both rode for a while long, just
enjoying the ride. Afterwards we took the horses back to the stables
and untacked and groomed them. Then we rode back to the house.
Isballa and mom were in the living room watching tv. It was two
o'clock. I went and showered then made a sandwich. I ate and watched
the with the family. Family. I suppose I included Tyler in that when
I said family. Today I realized he wasn't such a weird guy. The rest
of our day was normal. We watched tv, ate dinner, played cards, then
went to bed early. School starts back tomorrow. A new school.

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now