January 13

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-January 13-Friday-I'm so excited!
  When I woke up I put on my leggings, long shirt, and combat boots.
I put my hair into a ponytail then braided it. I walked down into
the kitchen. Mom was just starting to cook. She said," you're up
earlier then usual." I said," Yeah. My friends are picking me up."
She said,"oh. Have you told Tyler?" I said,"Havnt seen him since
last night." She nodded. I heard a car honk. I said,"that's my ride.
Love you." And went out to Lucas's car. The bikers were leaving.
They would only be here at nights from now on... I got into Lucas's
car. Lucas had a black eye and looked axhausted. I said,"what
happened?" As we drove to the school He said,"IRT accident." I
said," what?" He said,"oh. Intensive Recruit Training accident. I
have to get up at at 3:30 in the morning to go." I said,"what's this
recruit training?" He said,"it's for people training or who are
going to train to be an FBI agent. And if they aren't graduated from
high school then you have to get someone to recommend you. Your
step-dad recommended me." I said,"and you got hurt? Why?" He said,"
lost my concentration." I asked,"why?" He said," Didn't go to bed on
time. I usually go to bed by seven so I can get eight hours of
sleep." I said,"oh! I'm so sorry." He said,"nah it's not your fault.
I could have left at any moment. So don't worry about it." I
said,"so if I was going to work for the FBI I could take take this
IRT?" He said,"no, first you have to get recommended. Then you have
to take RT. Which is basics. IRT is the advanced class. Are you
wanting to work for the FBI?" I said,"yeah. As a profiler and field
agent." He said,"nice. Well get Mr. T to recommend you." I said,"I
havnt exactly talked to him yet." He said,"oh... well, tomorrow I
can pick you up at 8:30. We can go down to the training center I can
run you through the basics. I have IRT from 6 to 8." I said,"would
you really?" He said,"sure! I can even show you a warm up and
stretching exercise today so you can warm up today and tomorrow." I
said,"awesome!" Once we parked and got out. He said,"this is the
exercise." He showed me three different shoulder stretches and side
lunges. I said,"thanks." We went in where Caroline was waiting. She
had on a secretive smile. She said,"you two seem to be
inseperatable." Lucas said," she needed a ride." Tyler walked up. He
didn't say anything just kept "guard" over me. I ignored him the
rest of the day. Britney seemed to avoid me, that was nice. Lucas
dropped me off at the teen center. I went in and worked as usual.
Tyler picked me up. When we were in the car he turned to me and he
said," I told you that I wasn't like your dad. And last night I was.
I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me. I'm sorry." I
said,"and I'm sorry I didn't let you know. I was mad." He said,"
yeah. I should have asked if you wanted me to tell the principal. To
take over like that was wrong. But if you come home with bruises
again I can't promise I won't brake Britney's door down." I smiled
and said,"as long as you let me watch." Then we drove home. When we
sat down to eat I told mom and Tyler that I was going to hang out
with friends tomorrow. Mom said,"okay. Be back by dinner. I
said,"yep, okay." After dinner we all played cards and watched a
movie. Then before I went to bed I did Lucas's exercises.

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now