January 30

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-January 30-Monday- Is normal even a thing?
On Monday, a week later, I was finally back to normal. When I got
up I was to lazy to put anything pretty on so I put on my combat
clothes. When I went downstairs everyone was already eating. Tyler
said,"look who's finally awake, sleeping beauty." I swatted his arm
and said,"this sleeping beauty is in a cut throats mood." Tyler
laughed and said,"Roger that, I think I'll go to silent mode before
I end up dead." I smiled and then ate. Lucas and Caroline picked me
up before school. Lucas had bruises on his knuckles as usual. Over
this past weekend Lucas had taught me how to defend against a
silencer punch and many more complicated moves. I taught him some
more about balance and riding. When I got into the car with Lucas
and Caroline I said,"Hey, guys." Caroline said,"hey!" Lucas nodded
his sup. On the way there Caroline said,"So when are you two going
to get married? Like I know you've only been dating for maybe a week
or two, but I can honestly see you two getting married after Annette
graduates. You two make a sweet couple." Lucas said,"Caroline, stop
it." I said,"and anyway I have eleventh and twelfth grade to finish
then a college to choose and go to." Lucas said,"yeah, I have to
start college and have training." I said,"we'll take it in strides."
When we got to school I immediately saw Britney. She had been away
on a skiing trip since last week so I have had the privilege of not
seeing her. When we got out Lucas took my hand and we walked hand
and hand. Britney narrowed her eyes. I ignored her as we walked in.
We walked to our lockers and then we all went our separate ways to
our classes. After my first class I went to the restroom quickly.
When I went in I saw Britney and her friends applying make up. I
used the restroom and washed my hands. As I was preparing to leave
Britney and her back up Brits blocked me way. Britney smirked and
said,"who do you think you are, dating my Lucas?" I said," ha! 'Your
Lucas' doesn't even want you. Oh and get this straight in your
pretty little dumb head. He's my Lucas." I pushed passed them and
went to my next class. Over my shoulder I heard Britney say,"this
means war. Oh how I wish it hadn't code to thi-" I kept on walking
and went to my next class. At lunch I sat with Caroline and Lucas.
As we sat down I told Caroline about everything that happened in the
restroom. Lucas said,"your Lucas? Huh?" I said,"ah, leave me alone."
He laughed and said,"I know better then to mess with you." Caroline
said,"don't look now but I think Britney's war is about to begin..."
I turned and saw Britney with her friends and maybe ten of the
football players coming closer. I said,"ignore them." We continued
to eat but didn't talk. I heard Britey say,"Nettie, now apologize to
me." She was right behind me and I think she was talking to me...
Nettie short for Annette. I hate Nettie. I felt someone grab my arms
and lift me from my seat. I said,"let go of me!" Lucas jumped up and
three of the football players lunged forward and grabbed him. One of
the guys had me and another one grabbbed Caroline. Our table was
close to the door leading outside. They pulled us outside. All of us
were struggling. We couldn't scream for help because there hands
were covering our mouths. When we were outside Britney stepped
toward Lucas and said,"Lucas, darling, dump her and my friends will
happily let you go." Lucas looked at me and his sister. I figured he
was about to break up with me whether he meant it or not because he
didn't want us to get hurt. But instead he said,"I cannot do that."
Britney stepped aside and another football player stepped forward
and punched him in the gut. He fell to his knees with the three guys
standing over him. I bit the finger of my captors hand. I stomped on
his foot and when he cussed and losses his grip I spun around.
Jerking my arms from his grasp. I punched him in the throat. He
stumbled backward. I back away from the group. Three guys were
coming towards me. Behind them I saw Lucas leg sweep two of the guys
behind him and he kicked the third in the stomach. Caroline stomped
the foot of one of her three guys. He howled and jumped around.
Lucas took out her other two guys. The three guys glanced at each
other and lunged towards me. I dropped to the ground and tripped
them. One fell and the other two caught themselves before they fell.
Lucas helped me up. Caroline was next to me. Lucas said,"I'll take
the left one, Annette take the middle, Caroline tale the right." We
all attacked our assigned guys. Caroline had the hardest time
because she had the least experience. But Lucas and I both helped
her when we had a moment to break away from our opponents. Once
those three were down we turned to see the other seven standing
watching us. Britney's mouth was open in shock. She said,"get them!"
The football players hesitated and she yelled,"now! Or he won't pay
us!" They all lunged forward and by now the three behind us were
back up. We were quickly caught. Our hands were twist tied in front
of us and our mouths gagged. The carried us to a van. A man got out.
It was the Teen Center guard! Mr. Rob! Would he help us? No, they
said someone would pay them for us. The guys tied is to the inside
walls of the van. I heard the Rob say," okay, a hundred dollars for
each of you." After a moment Rob got in the drivers seat and drove
off. I looked at Lucas. He had a black eye forming. Then I looked to
Caroline. She was crying. I reached my hands as far as they would
go. She reached out too. We both managed to hold hands. I looked
into her eyes hoping to convey the message I wanted to say. "It will
be alright." After a minute she stopped crying and nodded. We let
go. I glanced at Rob who said,"y'all are certainly quiet." He
laughed at his own joke. I rolled my eyes. What are we going to do?
No one would know we are gone till Lucas is late for work and
Caroline and I don't show up at the teen center. I doubt the school
will notice us three gone. I tried to get comfortable. But with my
hands tied to the wall next to my head all I could do was lean
against the van wall. I was in between Lucas and Caroline. Rob
started smoking and turned on the radio. He turned on a station that
had a lot of cussing and foul Language. After probably an hour of
riding I dozed off. When I woke up the van doors were being opened.
I quickly looked to see Rob standing there. He untied Lucas from the
van still leaving his hands twist tied. He grabbed Lucas and
searched him. He took Lucas's phone away and took him into what I
could see was an abandoned warehouse. After a few minutes he came
back for me and did the same thing. He lead me into the ware house.
The place was covered in old furniture arranged like someone was
living here. Rob lead me to the back of the ware house where he
chained my hands. He cut the twist tye then left. The chained were
attached to the wall and were ten feet long. In my reach was an old
dingi mattress with a wholy blanket. I saw Lucas was chained ten
feet away from me. He has a mattress and blanket too. After a minute
Rob brought Caroline in and chained her up. After he had us chained
up he left the warehouse. I reached and pull my gag out. I
said,"Caroline, Lucas are y'all alright?" Once Lucas and Caroline
had pulled there gags out they both said that they were. I
said,"What do we do?" Lucas said,"See if any of the chains will come
loose." We all stood up and starting pulling on the chains. After a
few minutes we realized that they were in there good. Caroline
stretched her chains and sat next to me. We were both leaning
against the wall. Lucas came and sat with us.
There was no way to know how much time had passed until Rob came
back. When he got back he let each of us,one by one, go to a
bathroom, that had been built into the warehouse. Once we had
relieved ourselves he dropped a bag of fast food for us to eat. In
it was three water bottles and three hamburgers. We all ate
hungrily. I was going to ask him what he wanted, but I thought it
better if I waited till after we all ate so he wouldn't punish us by
taking the foo. Rob watched tv on an old television set and started
to drink. I knew better then to bother a drunk man while he was
drinking. I didn't want any of us obut get hurt. We were sitting
together in silence. After a little while of him drinking he
stumbled over. He said," I saw you two fight. I'm going to unchain
you and you will fight each other." I said,"no!" Lucas said at the
same time,"not happening. Sober up." And he reached behind his back
and pulled out a gun. He pointed it at Caroline and said,"Annette is
the only one I need alive. I may get paid a small fee for the other
two, but they can die for all I car. Now you will fight or she will
die." Lucas and I agreed, knowing if we didn't he wouldn't hesitate
to kill her. He unchained us and kept his gun pointed at Caroline,
who sat stiffly watching us. Lucas and I walked a few feet away.
Lucas said," we have to fight..." I said," I know." He said,"you are
very good, but I don't want to hurt you." I said,"and I you." Rob
yelled,"Fight now or she dies!" We quickly went to our defense pose
and started to fight unlike in our sparring practices, here, we knew
if we held back Caroline would suffer. Lucas stepped forward and
threw a strong punch towards my head which I blocked then kicked him
in the stomach. After basic sparring moves we got into the more
difficult moves, such as a silencer punch and block. This time when
he threw a silencer punch I blocked and he stepped forward, brought
his foot behind my leg and sweeper it out from under me. When I went
down he landed a punch to my mouth. I rolled out of reach and got
back on my feet. I whipped away the blood flowing from my lips. I
lunged and dis a mid-air turn and kick, which he barely blocked but
went stumbling backwards. As he was off balance for a slight moment
I took a moment to catch my breath. My knuckles were bleeding and my
hands bruised. We have probably been fighting for twenty minutes,
which is a world of time for fights. Lucas had a black eye from
earlier, and his knuckles looked worse then mine, probably because
they were already bruised this morning. Lucas regained his balance
and was about to attack me again when an alarm went off. Rob
said,"enough." We turned to see him looked at his phone. He put the
gun back in the back of his waistline. He said," come here." We both
came forward and he chained us back up. The chains hurt because of
my hands and wrists hurting. Once Rob had us both chained back up he
walked to a large box, picked it up, and brought it to us. He
dropped it at our feet and left. We all stepped forward to see what
was in it. I opened the box and saw twelve water bottles, a loaf of
bread, peanut butter, some jelly, and a first aid kit. Caroline
grabbed the first aid kit and said,"y'all sit down. I need to take
care of your wounds. We both sat down to where she could reach us.
Lucas's chains were stretched to the limit. Caroline grabbed a water
bottle from the box and came to us. She said," I'm going to clean
the cuts on your hands first..." she poured the water over my wounds
which felt cold, but good. Then she pulled out some peroxide and
poured it over my hands. It didn't sting, but it made my hands cold
and it hurt a tiny bit because of the bubbles. Then she wrapped my
hands in a bandage, making a rudimentary job. Then she told me to
law down and close my eyes. I did as she said. After a second I felt
the peroxide wash over my closed mouth. I sat back up when she was
done and she started on Lucas. I looked down at my hands to see a
horrible sight. Everything from halfway to my elbows down was
bruised. Bandages cover my knuckles. Scratches were everywhere. I
sighed and looked to Lucas. He was staring at me. Caroline said,"
y'all... I am so so sorry..." Lucas lifted her chin with his hand
and said,"little sis, I would do anything to keep you safe...
Anything." I said," Caroline it isn't your fault. That man is doing
this." She nodded. Once she was done bandaging Lucas us we made
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which I dispise, but it's better
then nothing. While we ate I said," we need a plan." Lucas said,"
yeah we can't stay here any longer..." Caroline said," but what do
we do?" I sighed and said," nothing, unless we can pick the locks of
the chains." Lucas said," I could try if I had my tools, but I
don't." We all sat dejectedly for no one knows how long. Finally I
said," I'm going to sleep. We need to keep our strength up." I went
to the mattress and laid down. It was starting to get cold in the
warehouse so I wrapped up in the blanket. After a few minutes I fell

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now