January 15

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-January 15- Sunday-I laughed hard!
  When I got up I stretched. I felt really soar. It's going to be
interesting riding Fighter like this. I put on my riding clothes and
went downstairs. Tyler's old boots were sitting on the counter. Mom
was making breakfast. I said,"where's Tyler?" She said,"Prince
coliced early this morning. So Tyler went out there to help and make
sure he was alright." I said,"oh, I hope Prince is okay." Mom
said,"I'm sure he is. He's not an old horse." After eating some eggs
and grits Lucas knocked on the door. I said bye to mom, grabbed the
boots, and opened the door. I handed Lucas the boots and said,"let's
get riding!" He said,"horseback riding is your dangerous hobby?" I
got in the car and waited for him to get in when he did I said,"yep.
Especially with the horse I ride. His name is Fighter Pilot. He's an
ex-racehorse." Tyler started driving with the directions I gave him.
He said," I havn't riden in years." I said," no prob. It'll come
back once I put you on a little pony."  He said,"ha ha. Very funny."
When we got there and went inside I went to Princes stall. He wasn't
there. Tom was walking toward us. I said,"is Prince alright?" Tom
said,"yeah. He had colic. The vet thinks it passed, but Tyler is
still walking him just in case. They are in the indoor arena. I
nodded and said,"this is my friend, Lucas. We were hoping to trail
ride today." He said,"I'll have Fighter and Abdullah saddled. Why
don't you both go take a turn at walking Prince." I nodded and Lucas
and I walked to the indoor arena. Tyler was walking Prince around. I
said,"Hey, I'll take over." Tyler handed me the lead rope and I
walked him around the ring. Tyler went to sit down. He looked
exhausted. Lucas walked next to me and said,"what's wrong with him?"
I said,"colic. It's where there stomach hurts and if they don't walk
then their intestines could knot up and they die. And as for Tyler,
he's been walking Prince since early this morning." After a few
minutes of walking Prince and showing Lucas how to walk him two
stable hands brought Foghter and Abdullah in. Tyler asked one of
them to put Prince in his stall and keep an eye on him. I showed
Lucas how to mount and held Abdullah's reigns till he was situated.
Then I mounted Fighter as he fidgeted. Lucas looked nervous, but
Abdullah looked as calm as the sky." I said to one of the stable
hands," bring me a lead rope." I said to Lucas,"stand in your
stirrups with your arms spread out." He did so. I said,"now bend
your knees and lean forward." He did and almost lost his balance but
caught himself. When the stable hand returned I said,"clip it to
Abdullah's bridle and hand it to me." He did so and left. I said,"ok
stand up and spread your arms out." I urged Fighter to walk and
tugged on the lead to get Abdullah to walk. After teaching Lucas how
to ride and steer I took the lead rope off. we went out on an easy
trail. He followed me. He said,"this is a work out. I'm not doing
anything and my but us already sore." I laughed and said,"yep. Life
as a rider." Lucas said,"so... how are you doing? Like with the
whole dad situation?" I said,"fine. He's been arrested, but I havnt
asked Tyler for any more details beyond that. It helped me feel
better yesterday knowing that I was maybe at least capable of
defending myself." He said,"yah, I totally understand." I
said,"good, so every Saturday we can spare and every Sunday we can
go ride?" He said," yep. You know... it almost sounds like we are
going steady. Dating, I mean, because we spend so much time
together." I said,"I supposed so. We haven't known each other long
enough to date though..." he said,"well isn't dating about getting
to know people?" I said,"not for me." He said,"you gonna explain?" I
said,"I don't know. If I do it will scare you off. I mean, it would
scare off someone who might want to date me." He chuckled and
said,"we'll try to scare me off." He likes me? A little smile graced
my lips as I said,"i think of dating as more of a way to decide
whether you want to marry someone. Maybe not seriously or maybe
seriously. But I don't see the point in dating to date." After a
moment he said,"im not running away." I turned fighter so I could
face Lucas. I said,"stop playing with my emotions." He looked
confused as he stopped his horse and said,"what?" I said,"if you
like me come out and say it. Don't drop this subtle flirting.
Because I don't like it. It makes me mad when people do it and
expect the other person to know that they like them." He was silent
for a moment. Oh no! I totally misread him, didn't I? Ugh, idiot! He
said,"your right. I'm sorry." I was surprised. He said," I like you.
I don't know if you like me. I know we haven't known each other to
long. But age difference is keeping me from asking if you would date
me. Because I'll be turning eighteen in July and you will be
sixteen. I know it's legal for us to date, but I'm going to George
Washington University this fall. I don't want to tie you down." I
said,"that should be my decision on whether I want to be tied down."
He said,"your right. I know. So, Annette. Will you be my
girlfriend?" What if this went horribly wrong and we lost our
friendship? I really liked him though. I havn't liked a guy in
years. I said," yes. But things have to remain the same between us.
At least for a little while. No kissing." He said,"okay." We started
riding again. He rode up next to me. All of a sudden he said,"crap!"
I said,"what?" Was he having second thoughts? He said,"I'm gonna
have to deal with Mr. T. No no no. He will kill me!" I laughed and
said,"he wouldn't dare lay a finger on you without my permission."
He said,"guess I better stay only your good side." I said,"yes."
After riding for two more hours we rode back to the stables. Two
stable hands took our horses to untack them. Lucas said,"want to go
for lunch and a movie?" I said,"sure but can we stop by my house so
I can change." He said,"sure I need to return Mr. T's boots. He took
off the boots and put back on his tennis shoes. We drove to my
house. When we got there we both went inside. I showed Lucas to the
living room where Tyler was sleeping. I went upstairs and changed
into my jeans, flannel shirt, and combat boots. When we walked back
downstairs I was about to enter the living room when I heard Lucas
said,"sir. I have something to ask you about Annette." I heard Tyler
say,"no, you may not marry her. You just met her." I smiled as he
was obviously joking. I peeked in the door and saw that Lucas looked
nervous and Tyler looked exhausted. Lucas said," I asked Annette to
be my girlfriend." Tyler said,"oh. I see. And she beat you up." He
fake sighed which sounded convincing before saying,"I will tell her
to controll herself." Tyler was obviously making Lucas nervous on
purpose and it was halarious. Lucas said,"no sir. She agreed to date
me with the exception of no kissing for a while." I was a bit
embarrassed that he shared that part with Tyler. Tyler stood up and
said,"I see. You want my blessing?" Lucas said,"yes sir. More then
anything. I think of you as a father and would have of if thought
anything less of me then a..." his voice trailed off but I knew he
was going to say son." Tyler stepped forward and put his hand on
Lucas's shoulder. He said,"relax. I think of you as a son. I respect
you and think you worthy to date my stepdaughter. But I will give
you the warning that i will give anyone who dates her. Hurt her and
you'll die." I smiled. After waiting a second I walked in and said,"
I'm back. Ready to go Lucas?" He  smiled and nodded. We both said
goodbye and left. We then went to lunch at a sandwich place then saw
a science fiction movie. It was an awesome movie. It was about five
by the time we were done. Lucas suggested picking up Caroline and
going to do something. I agreed and we headed toward his house. He
called and told her we were coming. When we got there I saw Caroline
yelling at some muscular guy. He looked her age. Lucas cussed and
jumped out of the car. I followed. Lucas said," I thought I told you
to never come near my sister again!" I ran to Caroline. Tears
started pouring down her face. The guy lunged for Lucas and in ten
secodns flat Lucas had him pinned on the ground. Caroline
said,"that's Toby. Myy good for nothing jerk ex boyfriend who
doesn't agree that we are through." Lucas said,"If I ever see you
again I will break your arm. And just to show you I'm serious. I
think I'll break one of your fingers." Toby's face paled at the
thought and he said," I'm sorry!" Lucas grabbed his hand while Toby
was pinned and said,"hm. Many I'll break this one. I can make it a
clean break or a break the punctures the skin. Your choice." Toby
was started to cry. I looked at Lucas's face and saw he was dead
serious. He wasn't teasing. I said,"Caroline. We need to go in." We
turned and quickly went in. After we went in and closed the door we
heard a yell. I sat Caroline on the couch. After a minute Lucas came
back in. I walked to him and whispered,"did you break his finger?"
He said,"yes. Don't hate me. He broke Caroline's finger last year."
I said," I understand. I don't like it but I don't hate you." He
hugged me and said," thank you." We both walked to Caroline. I sat
down and out my arm around her. She said," i was waiting outside for
y'all and he pulled up." I said,"he won't be coming back. Trust me.
Do you want to come spend the night with me? I would say I would
spend the night over here but since Lucas told Tyler... he prob
wouldn't let me spend the night." Caroline said,"Lucas! What did you
say to Mr. T?" Lucas smiled and said," that I was going to date his
daughter." I laughed and Caroline said,"what! Y'all are dating now?"
I said,"yes. Now do you want to stay the night? He won't be able to
find you at my house and plus the bikers still stay the night."
Caroline said,"thanks. Let me go grab a bag." I asked,"do you have
to check with your mom?" Lucas and Caroline glanced at each other
before Caroline said," I'll call her. She's taking care of a sick
friend for a week." That sounded a bit suspicious to me, but I
nodded. Lucas said," I'm going to ask Tyler if I can stay the night
with the bikers outside." I nodded. Once Lucas and Caroline had
there stuff we got in the car we drove to my house.when we got there
Lucas, Caroline and I went in. Mom,Tyler, and Isabella were sitting
in the living room I said,"Mom, Tyler. Can we talk to you?" Mom sent
Isabella upstairs. The three of us sat down. Said," Caroline's ex
boyfriend came by her house and scared her. Lucas handled it, but
Caroline is scared to stay at home tonight. Can she spend the night
upstairs in my room?" Mom said,"of course! Those bikers will handle
him if he dares come around here. So don't you worry." Tyler said,"
Lucas, how did you handle it?" Lucas said," I broke his finger, sir.
Last year, he broke Caroline's so I thought it fitting." Mom gasped.
Lucas said," may I stay outside with the bikers to keep an eye out?"
Tyler said," yes, but after eleven you have to stay outside, because
of the curcomstances of you two." Mom said," yes. We both trust you,
but want things to remain simple and easy for the both of you." I
said," yes, thank you both for that." They nodded. Mom said." I'll
make extra dinner." We thanked them and then Caroline and I took her
stuff upstairs. She made herself a bed then we went back downstairs.
Mom said,"Tyler and Lucas spent outside." We both went outside and
Lucas and Tyler were both sparring. Caroline said,"I wish I could
learn, but I don't want to be in the FBI so I can't get into the
training center." I said,"Lucas taught me. Have you asked him?"
Caroline said," no. I don't want to. " I said,"I know the basics I
can show you." She nodded and we slipped off our shoes. Tyler and
Lucas were going full out. I showed Caroline the basics. I said,"if
you want something easy to use against, maybe, Toby. Then let me
show you some moves I learned a coupes years ago in case my dad came
back. I showed her where to kick him the knee, how to munch the
threat, how kick between the legs, and how to claw out the eyes. I
said,"now lets go through it like in real life." I rushed towards
her and put her in a kneck lock. She patted my head instead of
clawing my eeyes for practice. I let my grip lossen slightly and she
slid her chin into the crook of my arm and tap my knee with her foot
as if she were kicking me. I went down to me knees. She tapped my
throats with her knuckles as if she were punching. When we were done
Lucas said,"I didn't teach you that. Where did you learn." I said,"
taught myself years ago. That's how I was able to get away from my
dad." Lucas showed Caroline some moves and Tyler and I sparred will
dinner. Then we all went in to eat. After dinner Lucas went to bed
outside with the bikers and we all played a couple game of cards.
Caroline and I went upstairs. We stayed up till midnight before
going to bed.

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now