January 3

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-January 3-Monday-school... ugh.
So when I woke up I get dressed. Nothin to fancy, but I wanted to
make a good first impression so I wore jeans slightly rolled up at
the bottom of the legs, black converse, a striped shirt tucked in,
and a flannel shirt around my waist. I fishtail braided my hair and
put on a touch of make up. When I went into th kitchen mom was
making French toast. I love French toast! I sat down and grabbed me
a couple. Isabella came into the kitchen wearing a school uniform.
Apparently even most public schools require uniforms here. Isabella
sat down and ate too. After a few minutes Tyler came rushing in and
said,"Ready, Isy?" She out her plate in the dishwasher and said,"yep
dad." I was shocked. I mean yes he's our stepdad, and yes Isabella
has never known her dad, but that was really quick. Mom and Tyler
had a surprised, but happy look on their faces.  Tyler and Isabella
went outside and drove off. Mom asked," ready?" I nodded and put my
plate in the dishwasher. Tyler is taking Isabella to school since
it's on the way and mom is taking me. When we were in the car and
headed to D.C. High she said,"Tyler told me about what you said
about wanting to work or volunteer somewhere for extra credits.
That's a good idea. If you can find a place I'll drive you and Tyler
can pick you up." I said,"thanks, mom."  When we got to the school
we said goodbye and she dropped me off. I walked into the hallways
and there were a lot of teenagers. They were really well dressed.
Like rich, preppy dressed. The guys wore khakis with a button up
dress shirt. The girls were wearing variations of tight skinny
jeans, heels, and shirts with various colors of dress coats. They
carried around expensive looking purses and there hair and make up
looked perfect. I sighed and walked to the number of what my mom
told me was my locker. I put in the combination and inside were all
the books I would need, included notebooks and pencils. I looked at
my class list. It said my first class was math. I grabbed my stuff
and went to my math class. After a couple more classes we had lunch.
The food was a lot better then what it was at my old school. I sat
at an empty table and began to eat. After a few minutes a bunch of
well dressed girls walked up and said, rather loudly,"oh my Gosh!
Look at the poor girl sitting out our table. She must be super dumb.
She has no fashion sense at all." Ugh. This wasn't going to be
pretty. The girl that said those things said to me,"Little girl. You
must be lost. Because this is our table." I put on my mask and stood
up. I was a couple inches taller then her. Little girl. Ha! I
said,"I didn't realize this was the snobby,good for nothing, dress
like grannies table. I obviously don't fit in here." I grabbed my
tray and walked away. I ate half my food, but I wasn't hungry
anymore. Oh great. My first day and I already made at least ten
enimies. The rest of the school day went the same as before lopuch.
No one talked to me or even said hi. When I was walking out to leave
four of the girls from lunch, including the one that talked up
earlier stepped in front of me. She said,"well well well. Obviously you
don't know who I am. I am Britney. And my father is one of the
richest politicians that send there kids to school here. " I
said,"like. I. Care." I started to push past them when on of them
stuck there leg out and tripped me. I went flying down the the
ground. I hit my forehead pretty hard, but I didn't care. All I
cared about was leaving. Britney stood over me and said,"oh look the
poor girl can't even walk. It must be that she's to fat." I stood
up. There was a small group of people standing around me laughing.
They were all saying stuff like "poor" " fat" or " can't even walk".
I pushed my way through everyone. Once I was clear I ran out of the
building. I saw mom waiting. I put on a smile and ran to the car.
When I got in she started driving home. She asked," anywhere you
need to go? For the extra credits, I mean?" I said,"nah. I forgot to
look. You know, first day of school. Everything is hectic." She
said,"yeah. So how was your first day of school." My head is
starting to hurt. Could I maybe have gotten a concussion. No, it
wasn't that hard of a fall. Was it? I said,"School was okay.
Everyone here is wearing fancy clothes. It's very different then
what I'm used to. I am getting a headache." She asked,"oh, I wonder
why." I said,"maybe I'm still tired from staying up late over
Christmas and flying over here." She said,"yes, probably. Any
homework?" I said,"no apparently this school doesn't give homework.
What they want done they have you do in class." My mom made a face
like "oh really? I like that." When we got home mom dropped me off
and went to pick up Isabella. Her school is in the opposite
direction, making our house between them. Plus mom said Isabelle
wanted to check out the soccer team. I went into the bathroom and
looked at my forehead. It was starting to bruise, already. I went
into the kitchen and took some headache medicine. Then I went into
the living room and watched tv. After thirty more minutes mom and
Isabella came in. I heard Isabella ask,"What time does dad get home?"
Mom said,"Around six. So in two hours." I snook up to my
room, I didnt  want my mom to see my forming bruise till I could
explain to everyone at once. I went and took a nice long shower then
read a book. At 6:15 Tyler said through the door,"Dinners ready,
Annette."  I heard him walk down the stairs. I looked into the
mirror and saw a big black and blue bruise. Oh great. After a minute
I went down. Everyone was sitting at the table waiting on me.
Tyler's back was to me, but mom and Isabelle were were facing me.
Mom gasped and put her hand over her mouth and Isabelle's eyes went
wide. Tyler turned to see what made them react and he saw me with my
big bruise. I sat down at the table and said,"looks good." And the
food did look good. It was homemade pizza. Mom said,"Annette! What
happened?" I said,"oh I tripped, fell and hit my head. That's
probably why I have a headache, come to think of it." Mom said," you
could have a concussion. We need to take you to the emergency room."
I said,"I'm fine, mom." Tyler said something for the first time. He
said,"She's right... but I am trained in first aid. So I can take a
look, if you are refusing to go to the doctor." I turned to look at
Tyler. His brows were creased together. Something, I realized he
does when he's worried, confused, or thinking. I said,"Yeah sure. If
that will make you all feel better." I turned in my chair and Tyler
stood up. Andlooked at the bruised. He put his hands on my forehead
and I winced in pain. He saw it and said,"Sorry. You said you have a
headache, but any dizziness, throwing up, balance issues, blurred
vision, slurred speech, or feeling confused and or dazed?" I
said,"no, to all of them." He looked in my eyes. It was almost like
he could tell I was hiding something. Well, duh, he's a federal
agent. He said,"alright, but if you start to develop any of those
symptoms you tell us, okay?" He said it kindly but forcefully. After
dinner I went to bed because my head hurt so bad.

LIFE: Through Me Eyes.  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now