January 4

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-January 4-Tuesday- Big bruise the size of Texas.
  In the morning my head hurt when I moved my head to fast, but my
headache was gone. I used concealer to hide it, but it only faded
the brightness of the color. I went through my clothes and put on my
black jeans, combat boot, skull shirt, black leather jacket, and
tide a bandanana around my forehead and under my hair. It hid the
bruise. I looked into the mirror. I looked pretty hardcore. My dark
brown hair flowed down to my waist. This means war. I walked down
the stairs, careful not turn my head to fast. Mom was in the kitchen
cooking as usual. This time it was cinnamon roles. Today, Tyler came
in and ate with us all. I didn't know if it was just me, but Tyler
kept glancing at me. Mom said,"Annette, you are dressed... sort of
dark don't you think." I said,"this is what goes with my bandana and
I need that to cover my forehead." After we ate mom took me to
school. I went straight to the office. There was a lady sitting
behind the desk checking her email. A smile was on her face, but
when she saw it was me that walked in her smile faded. She said,"Can
I help you?" I said,"I was wondering if there were places I could
work or volunteer for extra credits." She said," oh yes, there are a
lot. What grade are you in?" I said," tenth." She said," well for
tenth grade their is tutoring, animal shelter, library, and this new
program. The new program is where you volunteer as a councilor to
teens. It's at the teen life center. It's one day a week." I said,"I
think I like the volunteer one." She said,"okay, it's on Wednesdays
right after school to six o'clock. You will be either taking care of
little children for there teen mothers to go to school or turtoring,
or answering phones and talking people through there problems. Like
a prevention center.i will tell them to expect you tomorrow.
Name,please." I said,"Annette Jones." She nodded and I left for
class. Morning classes went like yesterday. At lunch I made sure to
sit at the same table as yesterday. As I saw the group of girls
coming closer Lucas popped up next to me and sat down. He said,"You
know you're asking for those girls to hate you." I said." I don't
care. I'm sitting wherever I like." Before he could say anything
Britney walked up and said,"Hey Lucas!" Lucas said,"sup." She said,"
this is our table, but YOU can eat with us."she made sure to stress
that I wasn't included. Before I could tell her to get lost Lucas
said,"I'm good, Britney. I'm sitting with my new friend Annette.
Have you met her?" Her eyes narrowed even though she smiled. She
said,"yes, I believe we did. But I didn't catch her name." I said,"
well now you know." All the girls sat down around them. Britney
said,"What ARE you wearing? You look awful." I said,"I am wearing
what I want to wear and you have no right to tell me how I look. So
back. Off." She ignored what I said and said,"and what's with the
bandanna? You look like a cleaning lady." She leaned forward and
snatched the bandanna off my head. All the girls laughed. I
said,"give it back." She said,"what's the ugly bruise on your
forehead? Is that from yesterday, when you couldn't walk?" Lucas
stood up and said,"Enough! Give me the bandanna, now." She gave
Lucas the bandanna after a minute.he handed it to me and he
said,"come on." We picked up our trays and left. We sat at a table
across the room. I put the bandanna back around my forehead. Had ate
in silence for a minute. He asked,"How'd you get the bruise?" I
said,"I was tripped." He said,"oh. By one of them?" He motioned
towards the table the girls were sitting at. I nodded. He nodded. A
pretty girl with short brown hair walked up and sat next to Lucas.
Was this his girlfriend? Lucas said,"Annette this is my sister
Caroline. She's your age. Caroline this is my new friend, Annette.
She just moved here a few days ago." She smiled and said,"it's so
nice to meet you, Annette. And friend of Lucas's is a friend of
mine." I smiled and said,"It's nice to meet you too." We chatted
about the school,sports, volunteering and working. Lucas told
Caroline that he worked for my dad. Apparently Caroline volunteers
at the teen center too. After lunch we all went to our classes.
After school I went outside to wait on my mom. While waiting Lucas
and Caroline walked up and sat with me. Lucas said,"Well, I gotta
run to the HQ. Can I get your number, Annette?" Caroline said,"yeah,
me too." I gave them my phone number before Lucas left. They also
gave me there numbers.Mom pulled up and I said goodbye to Caroline.
I got in and as we drove home I said,"So I found a place to
volunteer. It's the teen center. It's only on Wednesdays. That girl
that was sitting with me volunteers there too." My mom said,"okay.
Cool." She drove home and dropped me off. I went upstairs and
showered. I let Bert inside and slept on the kitchen floor. My
bruise was still as bright as day. My phone beeped. I got a text
from mom. She said,"can you cook dinner? Isabella and I are gonna go
get groceries. We should be home by 6:30 we will eat then." I texted
her my reply,"okay." Mac and cheese, roles, green beans sound good.
I watched tv till 6:00 when Tyler got home. When Tyler came in I
noticed he took off his gun and badge and went upstairs. When he
came back down he said,"Need any help?" I said,"nope, I got it. This
is easy." He sat down at the bar as I stirred the Mac and cheese. He
said,"so you what to tell me how you got the bruise?" I glanced at
him, my face like stone. I said," like I said I tripped." He
said,"and I believe you. But I find it hard to believe that a
horseback rider who can balance on a ex-racehorse going who knows
how fast." I said," well I did trip." He said,"alright...but I want
you to know you can come to me. No matter what." I said,"Okay." Mom
and Isabella got home and we ate. After we ate we watched tv. Then I
went to bed.

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