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"Good morning sleepy head."

"Ma, I need five more minutes." I laugh shaking my head. Jayden is 5 years old and has grown into a handsome boy. "Okay, I'm going to go get up your sister but then you have to get up."

He hides his head back under the pillow as I walk out of his room. "Caliyah."

"I'm already up mommy." I open her door and she's dressed and trying to brush her hair. "Don't you look pretty." She looks at me and smiles. "Yes, help me please."

At 4 years old she's me just a lot smarter. She acts like me, she looks like me, there is no way I can deny this little girl. With everything I went through during my pregnancy with her this is my miracle baby.

I brush her hair up into a ponytail allowing her hair to hang out freely. "Thank you very much." She says placing the stray hair back in place.

"You're very welcome."

I walk back in Jayden's room, "Lets get to it baby boy. Your sister beat you already."

He raises his head up and jumps out of bed. "I bet she didn't brush her teeth yet." They both run to their shared bathroom standing on their stools.

"Ha! I win." Caliyah gloats. "Jay get dressed and then come down for breakfast. We have twenty five minutes before we have to leave."


After I drop them off to school and getting a daily dose of caffeine, I make it to work. "Ms. Harris, Mr. Johnson would like to speak to you." My secretary says.

I sit my things down and walk into my associates office. "Good morning." I greet. "Good morning Casha. Listen it's a couple of cases coming up on the calendar and I'm double booked on one of them. Do you mind taking one on?"

"Sure who is it?"

"This cat name Jeremy. He's out of Atlanta somewhere and ended up traveling here to murder a member of a local gang."

"Wow... Okay." I grab the folder and head to my office.

I dial the number that was wrote down for Mr. Jeremy Cooper.

"Who this?"

"Is this Jeremy Cooper?"

"It might be who asking?"

"This is Ms. Harris from Harris and Johnson Associates."

"Casha Harris right?" How does he know my whole name? Maybe he actually reads our business cards. "Yes, How'd you know?"

"I was bout to call Johnson and let em know I wanted switch him for you. Saw your name on the brochure he gave me."

"Oh okay. Are you still here?"

"Yeah need me to come through?"

"Not yet I'll call and let you know. I just wanted to touch base with you letting you know I'm your new representation."

"Aiteee." We hang up and I prepare to get to work.

I get lost in reading a case study similar to Mr. Coopers as two hours past right by me.

I take a few notes as I wrap up the study and begin to organize my desk up. "Ms. Harris you have a call on line one."

I pick up the phone, "This is Casha Harris speaking."

"Cay it's me Mama Sharon."

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you? I tried to call your cellphone but your number was disconnected."

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