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"Chris we have to talk about what happened." I say following him down the stairs.

"I would rather not Taty.".

"Why!? Look just know that whatever you were thinking of doing can never happen. I don't want to alright just be there for our child and that it.".

"You got Gabby thinking that nigga is just Mr.Wonderful playing house and shit. I don't want him around her.".

"Don't come up in my place shouting demands. Trevor is my man alright and he treats Gabby like his own shit he do more than yo ass ever fucking done so don't sit here and play hurt! When he comes over he kisses her goodnight he teaches a lot what have you done?" .

"Look..... I'm sorry I haven't been there for her and for you but just give me a chance." He says.

"You have a chance to be a better father Christoper that's all you get from me.". I wipe the tears falling down my cheek. I can't believe he has the audacity to just make demands like he just been there for my baby.

"Please Tatyanna I really miss you. I want to be a family. Gabriella would love that mommy and daddy under the same roof." He reaches for my hand, I back up.

"Please just go." I say.

"Fine I'll call you later this week I want to take her out.".

"That's fine. Have a good day I'll tell her you had business to attend to.".

Closing the door behind Chris I slide down to the floor. I didn't imagine that I'd be so emotional when dealing with him. I make a mental note to go see my psychologist. My phone starts going off I slide the answer bar to the right.

"Hi." I sing into the phone.

"How you doing beautiful?" Trevor ask.

"Good just missing you. Do I get to see you tonight?".

"Actually yeah that's why I was calling I want us to go out on a date tonight I'll pick you up at 8.".

"I have to see if I can get Gabby a baby sitter but I'd love to.".

"Let me know, I gotta get back I'll call you when I get off.".

"Okay talk to you then." I say hanging up.

I dial Gabriella regular baby sitter phone number she answers on the second ring. "Hi Kaley I know this is last minute but can you watch her tonight ?".

"Actually I cant I came down with something  ?".

"It's fine I hope you feel better." I say.

"Thank you sorry I can't be there". "No big deal honey get some rest.".

Well what am I going to do now. I don't know another sitter that I trust with my baby. I remember this website one of the moms from Gabby school gave me she said they are reliable source.

"Kaley here's the money for pizza, you have the emergency contacts, since it's Saturday at least have her in bed by 10 no later than that." I stress.

"Ms.Harris don't worry you two go out and enjoy the night out. I will take great care of Gabriella." She assures me.

"Okay I'll be leaving. Give mommy a kiss." I kneel down to Gabby height.

"Bye you guys!" Kaley says.

"Bye mommy ! Bye Tre!" Gabby high pitches voice yells.

I never use her as a baby sitter but Gabriella original sitter is sick so I had to do so research to see who would be the next best thing. Regardless of all that research I take a ton of precautions. There's a camera in the living room area, Gabriella room, all the guest room and my bedroom.

"Ready to go?" Trevor ask open the car door for me.

"Yeah I'm just going to miss my baby, that's all.".

"We can stay if you want.". "I'll call and check on her often it's fine let's go." I say.

"You look lovely." Tre says. "Why thank you." I smile.

We arrive to the restaurant it's so fancy here. I️ know Gabriella is in good hands but I'm just so worried about my baby. I️ text Kaley asking how they're doing she replies awesome and to enjoy my date.

"No phones at the dinner table." Tre jokes.

I️ laugh, "Sorry I️ just get so worried.".

"Soon as you feel like something is happening we get up and leave no hesitation, no questions.".

I️ smile "How'd I️ get lucky ?".

"Well your looks was very helpful. But on a serious note I️ think I'm the lucky one Tatyanna when I️ wake up I️ be happy to see you and talk to you.".

"I️ love you. " I say. "I️ love you too Tatyanna. Let's enjoy this dinner you deserve this night out.".

"You're right." I️ say. I️ put my phone in my purse but I️ leave it on vibrate. Looking at Trevor I️ start thinking about from where I was in life and now. God is doing amazing things in my life right now.

We order our food and wine. The atmosphere is great everyone is enjoy themselves I️ just need to unwind and enjoy this date. I️ don't really get out much and leaving my baby behind it kills me a little.

"Alright there you go guys, enjoy." The waiter smiles placing our food down.

"This smells so fucking good." I️ whisper to Trevor."I️ love this place food is always on point.".

I️ order the shrimp scampi and Tre got steak, asparagus and potatoes. I️ take a potato off his plate.

"Don't start them games." He warns. "What did I️ do?" I️ play dumb.

"What you think about us moving in together ?".

"Uh.. won't that be moving a little too fast?". "I️ don't think so but it doesn't have to be now it can be next year. I'm just saying shit going good for us, Gabriella loves me so why not ?" He says.

"You're right, maybe next year.". "Cool.".

My phone starts vibrating in my lap I️ panic. "Hello?" I️ answer.

"Sorry to bother but I️ have an emergency I️ need to leave like soon as possible.".

"Okay I'll be right there please don't leave my child in the house alone." I️ say getting up to leave.

"Let's go." He says.

Tre pays the bills then we rush out. Well so much for a date night but I'm sure Trevor understand my child above everything.

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