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I'm sitting in my office as my right leg bounces up and down. I hate this on edge feeling. Get it together Cay. "Ms. Harris, Mr. Cooper is here."

"Send him in."

He comes in and sit down as my assistant shuts my door. "Well Ms. Harris I hope you've thought long and hard about my offer."

"I have."

"What is your answer?" He asks. His stare is so intense. "I'm in."

He breaks into a smile showing his pearly white teeth. "Perfect. As you'll soon see I'm a very resourceful man financially as well as other ways."

"I'm sure. Jermey from this point on you HAVE to stay away from killing or any legal troubles for that matter. You know lay low."

"I can't make any promises Casha but I'll do my best."

"I need you to do more than your best."

"Again I'll try. Allow me to take you to dinner tonight."

"I appreciate the offer but I have a decline."

"I understand a hardworking mom such as yourself is busy especially with her baby father locked up." This makes me extremely uncomfortable. Who is this guy?

"How do you know all of that Mr. Cooper?"

"I'm a resourceful guy and that's my final answer."

"That's your answer for everything."

"Exactly. I'll let you get to work Casha. I'm sure this relationship will work out very beneficial for both of us."

"I'm sure." He leaves out shutting the door behind him. Who the hell does this guy think he is? How does he know all this information about me and my life and my children.

I put up my phone and dial an old, familiar number. "Speak."

"King it's Cay."

"Casha?" He asks sounding shocked as hell. "Yeah."

"Damn what's up girl? Where you been?"

"Long story short I moved out of Atlanta."

"I figured that. You in town?"

"Nah. I need you run something for me though."

"What's up?"

"I have a new client his name is Jeremy Cooper. I need to know everything on him."

"Alright. I'll hit you up once I have everything."

"Thanks King."


"Mommy can I go Rachel's house?" Caliyah asks. She's sitting on the stool watching me prepare dinner.

"Not right now, maybe this weekend." I sit the stuffed chicken inside the oven cutting it on 350.

"Aw man."

"Ma can you help me with my homework?" Jayden yells from the dinning room. I walk into it with Caliyah following behind me.

"Let's see." I see beside him. He has to make a poster board of him and his family with pictures and one sentence for each category. They weren't even giving out homework when I was this young. What the hell.

"My teacher gave us a board already." Jayden says. "Well now we need to find some pictures."

"I know where they are!" Jayden runs into the living and grabs the box of pictures. I mentally prepare myself for the billion and one questions I'm about to get asked. Jayden opens the box.

Discontinued: If Loving You Is Wrong 3Where stories live. Discover now