Chapter 2

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Jennifer woke up to her older brother Augustus shaking her.

"Wake-up stupid! Mum needs you down stairs to clean the kitchen before she goes to work." He says

"Ahhhhhhh, why can't you do you it? You're older." Jennifer moans.

"Because, I have a job, earn money and pay rent to mum and dad whilst I look for houses with Hazel Grace, whilst you sit around doing nothing, eating mum and dads food and not bothering about your future at all! Now get up before I beat you up!"

"Just because your mummy and daddy's little prince doesn't give you the right to come and wake me up! Now get out of my room before I tell your pathetic girlfriend she's fat!" Jennifer yells. Even though Hazel (Grace) is not fat and they get along quite well.

"Don't you ever insult my girlfriend again or you'll pay Jen!" "Just because you're jealous that no boy in this world will even look at you doesn't mean you take it out on Hazel Grace!" Augustus yells, becoming over protective of his girlfriend.

After many minutes of yelling and arguing Jen finally got up and got ready for the day, nervous for her last exam. Whilst cleaning the kitchen Jennifer couldn't help but wish that at least one boy would think about her or glance her way.

Dominique barely slept that night, racked with nerves for her last exam and with her dog Nikki barking at every single car and thing that she sore, she could hardly keep her eyes open. Dom gets up and goes to take a shower but before that she cheeks her phone. 2 messages from Katie, 4 messages from Jennifer and 6 Instagram notifications.

Katie Girl (2)

'Hey Hon, was wondering if you're not busy want to go for a walk with the dogs around 5:30-6 O'clock? Then get back home to get ready for school? Xx'

'Hey, me again. Don't worry about the walk, mum said no since she's going to work at 5am and I need to look after my little sister. Sorry. X'

'Hey Hon, so sorry for extremely late reply! I turned my phone off so I could concentrate with studying. Sorry. Xx' Dominique replies.

Jen the Menace (4)

'Hey girl, wanna talk?'

'Finished studying and Augustus out with Hazel (Grace).' Dom laughs at how Jennifer puts brackets around Hazel's middle name.

'Dom! I'm dying of boardem over here, please answer your phone!'


'Hey Jen, so sorry! I powered my phone off to study and forgot to turn it back on again. So sorry!' Dominique sends.

The Instagram post were nothing important, just that celebrities had started live videos and stuff, so Dominique goes to shower, have breakfast and wait for Jennifer to pick her up, but whilst doing so she couldn't help but wish she had a boy who at least liked her or looked over in her direction.

At school Sandy states that one day a group of boys will just happen to be walking by or sitting in a car and fall in love with them, and of course they all agree, just for the sack of agreeing. After there last exam the girls sigh in relief and go to lunch where Mackenzie was waiting for them.

"Well look who decided to show up finally, the little miss unpopular group!" Mackenzie says with an evil tone and a snicker.

"What do you want Mackenzie?" Hannah ask, clearly upset by her presence.

"Me, want something from you losers? No thank you! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"For what?" Katie ask, also upset.

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