Chapter 3

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The presentation ended with a standing novation, Peter thanked everyone for coming and headed towards his office where his wife Rebecca was waiting for him.

"You did wonderful honey." Rebecca compliments her husband whilst giving him a tight hug and a quick kiss.

"Thank you sweetheart, how are you?" Peter ask his wife, Rebecca had been feeling sick with a cold lately but even though Peter did some terrible things, he still cared about his wife's health.

Peter and Rebecca's love story is a tragic but beautiful story, Peters past was awful, his father did terrible things to wonderful people and by people I mean girls. After his father passed away from a sickness he never found out was Peter had no choice but to continue his fathers' work. Rebecca was just a regular school girl, 15 going on 16 when it happened, she was walking home from a friend's house when Peter sore her. She seemed like the sort of girl for the job, so he kidnapped her. But instead of doing what he should have done, he fell in love and so did she.

"I'm feeling better thank you," she replied, smiling at thought that her husband cared. "God, you look so hot in a suit." Rebecca says, flirting.

"You're too cute to be mine gorgeous girl." Peter giggles whilst kissing down his wife's neck, Rebecca giggles and runs her fingers through her husbands' blond curls. They kiss for a while until there is a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Peter calls out.

"Excuse me Mr Cascade, but your colleagues will be here soon. Oh, good evening Mrs Cascade." Peter's assistant Tris says.

"Thank you Tris." Peter replies with a small smile.

"Good evening Tris." Rebecca also replies with a smile that makes Peter fall in love with her all over again.

Tris leaves and Rebecca grabs her things and heads home whilst Peter waits for his colleagues to arrive.

On the way to see their boss Connor, Mason, Zac, Brendon, Gat and Jaxon were talking about how maybe Peter finally had a mission for them or a least a target, and that the new assignment they had been given by their tutor was just ridiculously hard. Since the boys were only 17 they still had an education to complete so they had a tutor that Peter hired and came every Monday, Wednesday and unfortunately Saturday.

The boy's fathers worked for Peter's father so to them it made sense to follow in their footsteps, once seated at the big business desk Peter handed out files to them and began the meeting.

"With all due respects sir, we haven't had an assignment in at least a year and a half and we're getting tired of filling out paper work." Connor says, around half way through the meeting.

"I understand that no assignments have come through and I apologise for it, but you need to understand that there are requirements before we send the mission report through and send the agent out, and if the girl doesn't meet the requirements then the mission gets cancelled." Peter explains to Connor.

"We understand that sir, bu-"

"No buts Connor, it is what it is." Peter says cutting Connor off, Peter ends the meeting and goes home. When he gets home he is greeted with his sleeping wife, he smiles at her beauty and gently wakes her.

"Honey," Peter quietly says to his wife.

"Mmmmm?" She mumbles

"I'm home, let's get to bed." Peter says, and carries his wife bridle style up stairs to bed.

The six boys lived together in a big apartment near their job location, and because they were boys it was a mess.

"For goodness sakes guys, can we at least put dishes in the dishwasher? That's what it's there for." Mason moans to the other boys whilst walking into the kitchen. Mason was the only clean person in the group and the guys relied on him to make and keep the apartment clean.

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