Chapter 4

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"Ashton, I swear I'm going to kill you! Where the hell is my phone?" Katie yells at her brother.

"Kate, for the last time, I don't have it!" Ashton yells back, "Why do you assume that it's me anyway?" He continues.

"Because you always take my stuff!"

"No I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Why don't you look in the laundry, that's where I last sore you have it!"

"Fine." Katie sighs, giving up on arguing with her brother. She walks up the stairs to the laundry room and sure enough her phones there. After cheeking it and locking it she goes to get something to eat.

"Why isn't there any snacks?" Katie ask her mum, who was cooking dinner.

"Because I need to go shopping and dinner is nearly ready, so you can wait until then please." Her mum replies.

"But I'm hungry mum,"

"Too bad Katie, you can wait."

"Fine." Katie groans.

"How are your friend's?" Her mum ask.

"There fine, why?" She replies, suspicious as to why her mum was wondering how her friends are.

"Good, just asking because you never have them over."

"Well, they have lives mum and they always seem to invite me to their house before I get a chance to invite them to ours."

"Oh ok, well your father and I have no plans this weekend, so if you would like to invite your friend's over for a sleepover, you can?"

"Oh, really?"


"Awesome, thanks mum." Katie says, smiling at the thought of the fun they would have if her friends said yes.

Katie spends the rest of the evening chatting with her friends on Instagram


'Hey girlies, mum and dad have no plans for this weekend and said you girls could sleepover, so if you're up to it, party at mine this weekend!'


'So there Katie Gurl!!"




'Asked mum, and she said yes, so I'm in!'


'I'm in Kates!'


'So there!'

'Do you want me to bring anything?"


'Nah Izzy, I'll sort it. Just bring overnight and sleeping stuff,'




'Asked mum, she said I could go!'


'Yay! All you girls can come! Now all I've got to do is kick my brother out! LOl'

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