Chapter 14

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Wolf padded quickly to Snake's room and knocked twice before entering not waiting for the medic to wake up to allow him to enter. "Wake up." Wolf hissed as he shook the man violently. When he received no response except for the man trying to swat him away and then turning to face the other direction, Wolf twitched and tried again. He normally would have sent a kick towards the medic's ass but he probably shouldn't injure the medic if he desperately need help from said person. "Wake up you piece of sh*t." Wolf gritted out a little bit louder and a little closer to Snake's ear as he shook the man again.
"Dafuq you want, Wolf?" Snake groaned as he rolled over groggily to face the Hispanic man, angry at being woken up. Snake glanced at the clock. 3 am. Wolf wouldn't have woken him up at this time if it wasn't important. Snake shot up immediately. "What's wrong?" Snake asked, wary of his surroundings and ready to grab his gun.
"It's Cub." Wolf said and Snake blinked as he tried understanding what's going on. Wolf apparently didn't have anymore patience with the medic as he just picked up the medical bag and grabbed the man's wrist to drag him off the bed, not caring if that made Snake stumble a little. Things seemed to click together when they hurried down the hallway towards Alex's room. Snake's instincts kicked in and he snatched the bag out of Wolf's hand, sprinting as quietly as he could down to the boy's room with Wolf a little bit in front of him. They could faintly hear Fox and Eagle opening their doors and asking what was going on but they ignored the other two.
Wolf opened the door to Alex's room and almost cursed out loud. The boy was crumpled into a heap on the ground. He had left the boy on the bed but the boy probably got up again and was trying to leave the room. "What the." Snake muttered as he rushed past Wolf to tend to Alex. Fox and Eagle soon appeared behind Wolf wondering what was going on. "What the f*ck happened?" Snake asked as he tried to wake the boy up. "I don't know. I heard someone whimpering so I came over and realized it was Cub. Then I woke him up and he seemed really tipsy and all, so I thought it was just a fever and I was trying to get him to go to you or you come to him but he was like stumbling everywhere so I couldn't leave him."
"But Cub isn't... tipsy even when he's sick. We had RTI together and he fell really ill then remember? He was still so alert that we didn't realize until the exercise was over and he just collapsed in front of the sergeant. Sergeant almost had a heart attack." Eagle said seriously, frowning at the situation they are witnessing. Wolf looked over at Eagle and saw that the man was so close to tearing his hair out.
"Cub?" Snake whispered. The rest fell silent, watching. Talking can come later. The boy groaned a little as he cracked open his eyes. "Wha? Snake? What are you doing in here? I'm fine, don't worry. It's just a little bit of fever, I'll sleep it off. You should go to sleep." Alex muttered, slurring slightly as he tried to get him but he collapsed back into Snake's arms. "Aiya. So clumsy. What an idiot I am." Alex mumbled, chiding himself. The rest of the unit's frowns deepened. This isn't looking good. "Come now Cub. We've got you. Just relax and I'll take care of you."
"I'll be fineee. You don't have to waste your energy and time on such a useless person." Alex mumbled weakly, his half-lidded eyes glazing over.
"Come on Cub. Stay with me." Snake said softly as he continued tending to the wounds. He had just finished one when he managed to get Alex to start talking. It had been a hideous cut, real big and nasty. Snake cringed at having to sew so many wounds together on one tiny fragile frame. "I'm starting to think that maybe it might have been better if." Alex stopped suddenly, a violent coughing fit raked through him, making Snake panic at the stitchings being jostled. When Alex stopped coughing, Snake went back to check every single stitch to make sure they were secure. "It might have been better if I had died." Alex slurred, making them all freeze. They hadn't think that the boy was thinking like this. "I'm such a burden." Alex muttered, as his head rolled a little towards the warmth of Snake's abdomen.
"I'm so tired Snake." Alex muttered as Snake finished the last stitchings and patching up. "I'm almost done okay?" Snake reassured softly as he ran his hand through Alex's hair. He could feel the high fever radiating off the boy, it almost burned him on the touch. Alex then started coughing again, this time he showed no sign of stopping. He rolled a little towards his side, coughing into his hands. "Snake. Blood." Wolf panicked when he saw the blood dripping through Alex's fingers. The three that stood out of the way had now rushed to help. They had to sit him up now so he doesn't choke as he coughed. "What in the name of Jesus is happening?!"
"I have a suspicion he was drugged but I don't know how bad it is." Wolf said, as they all thought about what they should do next. They couldn't go to the hospital because if anyone saw them like this they might try sh*t and they weren't really in the mood for that. Or that they might use this knowledge against them if they had found out Alex is ill. Damn damn damn damn damnnnnnnnnn.

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