Chapter 17

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Alex approached the table with the practised ease of the assassin he was trained to be. He turned to the tools, making a show of examining them and picking up some of them as if wondering which to use. The unit watched him, they weren't sure what was going to happen next and judging by the tools laid out, it seems like it was going to be a torture and interrogation. "Why did you drug my drinks?" Alex asked softly, that question made the unit and the others in the room jerk in surprise. They hadn't known that he was drugged when they were drinking together yesterday. The surprise quickly turned into anger as Wolf growled and leapt at the man. However, Alex stepped into his range with ease, stopping the man from strangling the guy. Alex shot Wolf a look, the man growled lowly before moving back to stand with the others.
"You guys don't have to watch." Alex said, looking around the room.
"We want answers." Mark said, crossing his arm, angry that the man drugged their best. But what for? What did the man want? He seemed surprised when he spotted Alex, what did that mean? Alex tilted his head to look at his team, they looked determined not to move out of the room. The teen turned back to the man, emotionless.
"Seems like we are going to have an audience. Tell me, why. What did you want?" Alex asked, running his finger on the blade of a scalpel. He had no intention to use it, it just comforted him to hold a knife and that he could hide his trembling hands. "Who knew you worked for the mafia... Such a pretty boy." Alex paused, uncomfortable by that.
"You mean, you didn't drug him for information?" Mark asked, glaring at the man. The man grinned.
"What made you think I was the one that drugged you?" The man asked, smirking at Alex. The teen stared at him before tracing the scalpel on the man's neck making him tense in fear. Alex following the bruises on the man's neck that was shaped like a handprint with the crescent moon shapes dug into where the fingertips would have been when the handprint was made. "You asked me to leave with you and I said no. Then you hovered around the bar the whole night... When you saw that I was still sitting up and talking, you spiked more of my drinks." Alex held a hand out to stop his team from ripping the man to shreds. Alex continued, "when we left and separated, you chose that moment to strike."
"Who knew you could put up such a fight? So feisty, just how I like them." Alex tilted his head, reaching out for the man's arm. The others in the room hadn't expected it causing them to flinched when a scream erupted from the man's lips as Alex was only lightly touching him. "Aw, I barely made a dent you're already screaming," Alex said, his voice held a slight mock sympathetic tone but it was still terrifying to them all.
"You tried to rip my throat out yesterday!" the man yelled out, panting from the pain he received when Alex pinched a pressure point. Alex smiled at the man, "you deserved that. Tell me... How many more people did you rape?" When the man didn't speak, Alex moved his hand up the man's arm to his shoulder, another scream erupts from the man as Alex pinched and dislocated the man's collarbone. "How many?" Alex snarled softly, embedding the scalpel down next to the man's head with a loud bang.
"Would you like to add to that list? You look like a nice little virgin." Alex looked at the others, uncomfortable at being spoken to like that.
Snake had to hold onto Fox and Wolf to make sure that they don't hurt anyone... yet. It came as a surprise when Eagle had leapt forward, punching the man in the face hard. "You! How dare you hurt our teammate!" Eagle roared. Alex grabbed his arm, making him stop his anger filled attack immediately. Alex schooled his features, taking in the pain that was etched on the man's face.
"What shall we do with him?" Mark asked, a cruel grin on his lips. Alex knew they wanted to kill him and throw him into the ocean as fish food. But Alex had a better idea, he pulled out his phone from his pocket. "112 what's your emergency?" came through on the speakers, they looked at Alex, confused at what he was doing.
"Someone spiked my drink and tried to rape me," Alex said bluntly, making his unit flinch. It was still hard to comprehend that their teammate, someone they knew, was so close to being voliated and they weren't there to protect him.
"What is your address? Did you get a visual of the suspect? Do you need an ambulance?"
"No need for a visual, I will leave him on the street for you to pick up," Alex said, saying out the address before hanging up without waiting for the emergency dispatcher to say anything else, making sure that it wasn't enough time for the dispatcher to trace his call to a more specific location as they were in an area where there was only one cell tower.
"Can we break his arms?" One of the mafia members asked their leader Mark, hitting his fist into his palm.
"I believe Alex should make a decision." Mark said, turning to look at Alex who just shook his head.
"No need for that. Prison will do him up." Alex said knowing how much the prisoners hate rapists, especially child rapists. The others pulled the man off the table and securing the man tightly. Alex disappeared into a car, the unit presumed the Alfa Romeo was his as the boy unlocked the car with a key from his pocket. He appeared again with a file. They had moved the man, tying him up and duct-taped his mouth. Alex left the file in the man's lap.
"What is that?" Fox asked quietly.
"A list of the people he assaulted, I did some research after the... attack yesterday," Alex said to the unit. They frowned at him, why hadn't Alex told them about this?

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