Chapter 9

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Alex walked out of Mr. Smithers' office with k-unit following behind. "Hey Alex!" Someone called out from somewhere. "What's up?" Alex asked as the person rushed to him with an opened laptop in hand. "I've got this laptop from this bad guys office and its firewalls are so damn weird. It has this black coloured hole on it..." Alex stuck a hand out and the person handed him the laptop. Alex place the laptop on the divider - the short wall if your desk is beside the corridor and each desk has one to separate one desk from another - and he started typing away. "What are you doing?" The person asked. "Breaking down the firewalls or if you like it to be called: hacking." Alex replied. "Done." Alex said handing the laptop back to the person. "What's the black coloured hole?"
"It's like if you did a step in the hacking process wrong or if you're the owner and you entered your password wrong once, all the data in the computer will be deleted by that black hole. You wouldn't be able to find the data anymore. It's like a legit black hole, but I was thinking that the guy would have a back up data."
"Yeah... Anyways I think we have enough evidence to arrest them. All the invoice etc. are in here." The guy said, going through the laptop's contents. "Good job." Alex said. "Thanks man. You're the one that hacked it. Beer?" He asked as Alex started walking away. "I'm underage!" Alex called back over his shoulder. "Oh yeah... Food?"
"Not now! Got a mission!" Alex said over his shoulder. "But you just got back from one!" The guy exclaimed. "I know." Alex said back as he lead the unit into an office. The door had his name on it. "You have your own office?" Eagle asked. "No, there's someone with the same name as me." Alex said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. Eagle pouted. "How the hell did you even get into SAS, Eagle? Did you bribe the sarge with chocolates?" Fox joked. "Hey! The sarge said I was good for the team's moral."
Alex was at his desk gathering up some files. He handed each member of k-unit one file, each had their names on it. "Let's go." Alex said as he shut the file he was skimming through. "Where to?" Wolf asked as he adjusted the duffle bag he was carrying. It had all the essentials he needed. Clothes, shoes, socks, undergarments, soap etc. "Car park." Alex replied and shooed them out from his office and locked it. He walked towards a lift. K-unit scrambled to catch up with him. They didn't know where to go so they have to follow Alex around.
Alex walk towards a jeep and pulled out the keys from his pocket and climbed into the driver seat with Wolf beside him in the front passenger seat and Eagle, being the shortest among the unit excluding Alex, sat in between Fox and Snake at the back. "Are you even old enough to drive? You said you were underage for drinking so..." Wolf said trailing off. "Nope."
They stared at him in shock. "I'm special."
"Aren't you breaking any law?" They know he is. "Yep. But as I said, I'm special. I have special privileges." Alex said as he looked at the left side mirror so he can filter to the left. "Where are we going?" Wolf asked looking at the road signs. "Airport."
"Rome." Alex replied as he filter right to go into the centre lane. He honked someone who was getting to close to the jeep because the person was trying to filter into his lane without signalling. The person middle fingered Alex as he drove past the person. Alex smirked. "What? I'm not gonna curse at some dude who just middle fingered me."
"... No but you're awfully calm for someone whose car was almost hit." Eagle said. "But it wasn't." Alex said as he signalled so he can turn into an exit that leads to the airport. This kid does not easily lose his temper...

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