Chapter 6

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Alex talked to Tyler about what he learnt when he was captured. He learnt that Scorpia is trying to start a new operation but doesn't have enough resources so they postponed it until further notice. He reported it to MI6 before he came back. "Go to the infirmary, cub."
"... Is that an order, sir?"
"... Yes." Tyler know about Alex's hesitation to let anyone look at his injuries. "Ok."
Alex headed to the infirmary to get bandaged up. The infirmary staff insisted that he stay for a few days before doing any activities but he didn't want to. The infirmary staff gave up and just wrote a note for the sergeant to excuse him from physical activities. Alex gave the slip to Tyler who assigned him to be at the lectures instead and in the evening he would help at the infirmary since he studied medical before.
Alex went to the first lecture of the day. Advance Strategies. He went through every one of them patiently. He's not the impatient type when it comes to restudying things he already knew. He went to the infirmary to help after grabbing an apple for lunch. This schedule lasted for a few days until Alex decided to eat in the mess hall instead. Never will he know that it was the worse decision he's ever made until it was too late...
"Hey! Where's your parents? Did you tell them you were working with Scorpia?!"
"I bet his parents are Scorpia members!"
"That's why they never taught him manners! They only taught him how to kill!"
"I reckon he must have killed a few of his friends to try it out!" Something snapped inside Alex. They're right... I did kill my friends... Jack died because of me, Sabrina died because of me, Tom died because of me too. Alex slammed his hand down on the table and pushed himself up. He stormed out of the mess hall. On the way out, he received a phone call.
Tyler was furious. "Attention!" He shouted. Everyone snapped to attention. "Do you guys have any F*ing idea what you guys just did?!" He shouted angrily. "Cub is an MI6 agent. He has a bloody clearance level that is higher than any of you motherf*ers." Disbelieve broke out from the soldiers. "Shut up!" The soldiers immediately shut their mouths. "He has more experience at the field than any of you! He is THE best agent they ever had. He even ranked before John Rider and Ian Rider, the best agents and soldier during their time! This kid, his name is Alex Rider!" Tyler barked. "He has the same surname as them." A few whispered to themselves. "You may have noticed that Cub has the same surname as John and Ian Rider. That's because they are related! John Rider was Alex's father. Ian Rider was Alex's uncle."
They called Alex's parents Scorpia...
"Now you guys made him snap! Do you have any idea how f*ed up that is-that he snapped?! He never f*ing knew his parents! And you idiots are being motherf*ing rude and mean to him. Now that he's gone, are you guys happy? He was suppose to be here until he was old enough!"
'Old enough? How old is he?'
"MI6 didn't want him on suicidal missions until he was old enough! But now, he stormed out of here and received a call. That call was for a mission! He texted MI6 while still in here that he wanted to resume being a field agent and until he is old enough to be a fully fledged agent, he would continue going on this goddamn motherf*ing suicidal mission. Do you guys know, a kid so young, he is NOT afraid to die! He had nothing left! He completes a mission and comes back alive, great. But if he dies on a mission, he doesn't care if he is dead, as long as he completes the mission he is satisfied. That kid would do anything, as long as it completes his given mission. He would push himself to over the limit. If he dies, remember you motherf*er were the ones that drove him away. You are the ones that made him die alone."
'Made him die thinking he has no friends...' Tyler thought sadly as he glared at the soldiers one last time before storming out.

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