Chapter 24

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"They probably wouldn't come and bother us for a while now." Alex said as Eagle had moved back to bring him some food. Alex stared at the food and he felt his stomach turn. He shook his head to the food, much to the dismay of the unit. He really needs to get some food in his system, they hadn't eaten for what they feel like is a whole week already. "We haven't been here for that long. It's barely been a day." Alex said, trying to be positive for the team.
"I'm pretty sure it's been more than two days. You've just been out cold for most of the days." Alex sighed, hand outstretched for a piece of the bread that Eagle was holding. Eagle carefully broke off a piece of the stale bread for him. "I miss cub's cooking." Eagle whined, shaking the piece of bread. Alex felt his stomach churn again, he hope he doesn't regurgitate the little food he had just swallowed.
"How are you so sure that they wouldn't come for us anytime soon?"
"I've been doing this long enough to know." Alex said, regretting when he saw the flinch from the unit. "You know, making someone angry helps. It may hurt but he reveals a lot. I just have to listen carefully."
"But half the time he was shouting in mandarin!" Fox exclaimed, only receiving a smile from Alex, making him sigh. "Of course. Of course you know mandarin." Alex grinned, nodding.
"He said he had some business to attend to in a church in Saint Petersburg tomorrow."
"Please don't tell me we are in Russia." Wolf groaned.
"Okay then. I won't," Alex said, making the Hispanic man growl at him. "On our way back from that room, I spotted a door at the end of the hallway. Yes there is an exit sign. No. I didn't hallucinate it." Alex said, answering the unspoken questions that the unit was about to voice. "I'm guessing they'd never expect us to escape if they don't remove exit signs." Alex muttered with a sigh.
"What I don't understand is how they managed to move us from Rome to Russia, how come we never woke up during that long journey. Surely a knock to the head wouldn't have kept us down for that long." Fox said out loud, not expecting anyone to answer. Alex quietly reached his arm out and turned it outwards so that everyone could see the insides of his elbow. He pointed at the faintest brown dot that seems to be a scar left from a needle being inserted...
The others then began checking their own elbows, trying to find the scar. "Y'all seriously need to be more observant." Alex joked, making the rest glare. They would hit the boy but his injuries are not to be agitated if possible.
"Since we have a key, what do we do next?"
"We leave now. The guards never patrol, they are too arrogant about being with Scorpia - they aren't trained to be assassins, they are just hired to guard prisoners of Scorpia. Usually prisoners die relatively quickly..." Alex paused, recounting the times when they have chosen to keep him alive so that they could prolong his torture and pain. Alex cracked a knuckle, telling himself to move on and that what he feels isn't important right now. "We can literally just walk out, if there is any guards by chance, you guys are soldiers. You guys can fight them easy."
"But they have guns!"
Alex sighed, "I'll fight th-"
"No." The four soldiers growled, not willing to let Alex risk his life again. They are not going to let the boy try sacrifice himself again for them to escape.
"Look, it is simple really. We have the element of surprise. You guys just have to be quick with your movements." Alex said with a shrug as if the four adults that are trained to be soldiers can be as fast as the teen who is trained to be an assassin.

Alex stood with the help of Wolf, he then tested to see if he could stand on his own while Wolf hovered around just in case the boy collapses. To their surprises, the boy was standing like he wasn't even injured. "See, I can help." Alex declared, bouncing slightly on his feet to see if he'd suddenly fall.
"You better not." Snake warned, a hidden threat among his words.
They unlocked the door carefully, it did seem strange to them that the lock was on both the inside and the outside, however, Alex seems to know why. They asked him about it but he shook his head and said that they wouldn't want to know. Alex guided them towards where he remembered seeing the exit. When they turned around the corner, a couple of guards turned from the corner from the other side of the corridor. Seeing the cue, K-unit sprung into action. They sprinted for the guards, bowling into them and knocking them over before hitting them to knock them out. Alex gestured for K-unit to pick up the guns while he rummaged in their pockets for anything useful - cellphone, money, knives. They moved along, anxious about whether they'd bump into anyone again. Snake give Alex a quick visual inspection and found that some of the wounds were bleeding again, the blood seeping through the bandage. The boy has then brushed him off, saying they have no time for this as he stopped from him walking around the other corner. They watched as Alex flicked open the knife and before they could react to seeing the guard, the boy had already moved off slicing the guard's throat with practiced ease.
"Keep moving." Alex said to them as he bent over to search the body for more weapons. When Alex caught up, he was holding a security pass but the exit in front of them doesn't need a security pass. Alex muttered something no one could understand before he broke off to a room. K-unit stood like sitting ducks around the corridor, tense. Hurry up Alex.

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