Chapter 20

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Everything had gone as plan, making Alex even more suspicious and wary of everything else. As Alex turned to exchange the supply for the money he felt a gun press into the back of his head. His eyes glanced over to his unit to see them also forcefully held at gunpoint. They had been betrayed. Alex didn't know if Mark had been the one that betrayed them or if it was anyone else but he doesn't seem to be able to bring himself to care about that detail now, all he cared about was the safety of his unit and how he can get them out safely.

"Alex Rider." That was all they had to say for the teen to stop all his planning momentarily. Betrayed or he had been recognised, one way or the other, this would definitely lead to them getting locked up and tortured. Plan! Think!... What do I do?
"Put the money down on the ground slowly. Careful, or we will blow your team's brains out one by one." The person warned him, Alex complied before straightening and waited for further instructions. "Good, sleep tight Rider," was the last thing Alex heard before he was hit over the head with the butt of the gun.

Alex kept still as he woke, he listened out for any sounds to see if he could figure out where he was and who he was with. Nothing, except for quiet breathing. Alex opened his eyes to see denim jeans. Who's butt is that in my face? Alex thought, squinting. He rolled himself into a sitting position, letting the wave of dizziness wash over him, it had left him blind for a few seconds. He knew it was orthostatic hypotension, which was just fancy science name for "upright standing low blood pressure".
Ughh. Why does my heart not give a crap about the rest of my body when I'm laying down... Maybe it's because it is tired of trying to keep me alive all the time and it wants me to just die of heart failure from standing up, what a way to go after going on so many missions. Alex rider, death from sitting up too quickly. Alex mused to himself as he pressed himself into the shadows, waiting for his team to wake up. It had been Eagle's bum that was in his face before and he could hear the man snoring softly. Alex sighed, even in this kind of situations Eagle is snoring. He reached his hand up to his head where he had been hit and he grimaced at the dried blood that caked his hair and down the side of his forehead. He then started picking at the dried blood on his face, it was getting uncomfortable and what other things else can he do to pass time?

"Can somebody shut Eagle up?" Fox groaned as he woke up before he suddenly jerked up into a sitting position, looking around panicking. "Alex? Are you here?" Fox looked around, he knew that the teen liked being in the dark shadows and he was hoping that the boy was there instead of being taken away to who knows where. Nothing. There was no shift in the shadows to indicate that the boy was in the room. Fox shook the others awake, Eagle woke with a loud yawn. "Ughh, how did you even sleep in this kind of situation?! Alex is gone!" Fox snarled, hitting the man on the leg hard.
"OW! What's your problem?!" Eagle snapped, twisting to kick at Fox which he dodged easily. Fox glared at him, choosing not to answer. Wolf and Snake were sitting up beside them, massaging their necks. "Every time! Why I do always hope they'd dump us on a bed instead of the concrete." Snake grumbled.
"That's not even what you should be worried about right now," Fox said, feeling around on the walls to see if there was anything that could work in their favour. They tilt their heads at him, confused, still unaware that they were missing a member.
"Like what?" Wolf asked, he was angry and the pounding headache was not helping at all.
"Like how they know of Alex and what they are doing to Alex right now," Fox grumbled, it doesn't seem like there was anything useful but it seems like the room was not bugged either. They looked at each other as if answers could be found that way.
"We were set up," Snake muttered, his hand clenching into a tight fist. "Let's hope they don't hurt Cub."
"That would be hoping for a miracle," Wolf grumbled, causing both Fox and Eagle to hit him from either side. "Who could have betrayed us should be the question?" their unit leader said, upset that they have no idea who took them and what is happening to Cub. 

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