Chapter 19

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The breakdown was never spoken of ever, it was just something that happened between the 5 of them during that moment. Alex was grateful when they hadn't asked him anything and had all pretended that nothing of that sort ever happened in front of their eyes. He was also grateful that there were no sympathetic looks nor were there any questions of whether he was okay from his mental breakdown. They treated him like normal, treated him like the team leader they had been treating him as.

Alex was standing around the table with the other members of the mafia, discussing their plans whilst the rest of k-unit occupied themselves with playing cards with the other men present.
Mark had burst into the room, looking around. When his eyes landed in Alex's direction he grimaced, his daughter had ran away from him and was making her way towards Alex who seem to have not noticed her. Mark prayed that Alex didn't react with those killer reflexes of his when he finally spotted his daughter too late. She had already raised a hand, ready to hit the back of Alex's leg to grab his attention. "Al-" Mark said just as he saw the pat but let out a sigh of relief when Alex didn't do anything except for turning around as he kept talking and picked her up without any questions of what the child had wanted. She seemed content with what Alex did as she laid her head on his shoulder quietly, running her hand through his soft brown locks.
The rest watched the sight in amusement, the deadliest among them was carrying a small life in his arms with such gentleness that seemed out of place with what they know of Alex. The unit smiled, they were glad that Alex wasn't shying away from human contact.

After a while, they had finished and Alex carried the child to the couch to sit down when she refused to let him go. He rearranged her so that she sat on his lap while she played. K-unit was about to go to their team leader when someone else approached, a small note held out to Alex with trembling hands. Alex raised an eyebrow questioningly before taking the note. He carefully unfolded it and read its content.
"I am sorry but I don't feel the same way... besides I don't think my boyfriend would be too happy about it either," Alex said, a small apologetic smile gracing his lips.
Their eyes widened. Boyfriend?! They stared at Alex in shock and confusion. "Thank you for being so gentle about it. I am sad that you don't feel the same but I am glad I asked... still friends?" The man asked, an arm outstretched. Alex reached up and gladly shook it. The man nodded at him and left, allowing his unit to rush their way to him without stumbling over each other.
"So... who is this boyfriend of yours?" Alex looked up at his unit in amusement. They had heard the conversation and now they are being nosy? Alex shrugged, not wanting to answer the question. He was glad that his unit was unfazed by the fact that he was dating a person of the same gender... Glad to know they aren't homophobic. Alex mused to himself.
"Come on Alexxxx," Eagle whined.
"He is an assassin like me too," Alex said vaguely. There were so many possibilities, was this assassin better than Alex or not? When had they met? How did they meet? So many questions they were dying to ask. "Is he good?" At killing. That was left unspoken but the unit knew what the question was about. Alex nodded slowly, "better than everyone."
"Even you?" Eagle asked, tilting his head. No one would be considered better than their one and only Cub... Except for Yassen Gregorovich...
Alex shrugged, not wishing to answer the question and they chose not to press that question any further. "Where is he now?" Fox asked, curious as well. Everyone had gathered closer so that it was easier to whisper and keep their conversations to themselves in this public space.
"Dead." Alex replied curtly, making them regret asking that question.
"I'm sorry." Fox apologised, making Alex look up at him from entertaining the kid in his lap. Alex met his eyes and held the eye contact before replying, "Why? You guys aren't the ones that killed him." Besides, I was the one that caused his death. Alex thought sadly, remembering the Russian assassin dying in his arms.
"Hey. Hey don't blame yourself for his death." Eagle muttered softly, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation. Eagle gave him a light squeeze on his shoulder as a gesture of comfort, retracting his hand when Mark had entered to tell them that the shipment had arrived and they had to pick it up. Alex frowned, how had he not been informed of this? I thought the shipment comes tomorrow? I have a funny feeling about this...

The unit noticed that Alex's eyes kept darting around more than usual as if on the lookout for something. They looked at him, waiting for their leader to say something to them. Alex gestured for them to come closer, he then pointed out all the possible escape routes for them but didn't add any more details as to why he thought it was necessary to tell them the escape routes. This made them all anxious about what might happen, Alex seemed to have sensed their anxiety, shot them a look telling them to hide it. They didn't necessarily have to mask it but they had to show more indifference than anxiety on their faces and body language. Then they heard it, two cracks of the knuckles. Alex had always subconsciously done it but they picked it up as a signal to get ready.

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