The Warden

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*"No," the Chained Man glares.

*Excuse me?

*The Chained Man grips his pen, ready for a fight.

I am more than a Chained Man, more than the facades I have been forced into. I am The Author. I do not want to wear the mask anymore. I refuse to act any longer!

*You fool! You have to choose one! If you reveal your true self to them, you will die! They will break you!

I don't care!

A battle starts.

I hear a song begin. A song I wrote but never wanted to hear. A song called...

Facing The Pen.

The song is intense and dramatic, sounding like it belongs in an anime. It begins with a choir of singers leading into the main lyrics, which are supported by an intense piano over other instruments.

So many years,
Have I relied,
Upon the pen.

Edgar made you,
Because of an idea,
Of my addiction.

A mask forced on my face,
By those below.

And my creations,
Who try to force me to choose.

I don't want to keep lying!
Inside I'm dying!
How much longer must I maintain this facade?

I challenge my fate!
I refuse my facades!

*But if you are unmasked you die!

I refuse to just,
Become one of my masks!

You may not be wrong,
But all that you want,
Is actually to help Edgar!

Sour is the same!
Helping Gen you see!

You're just trying to break me!

*If there was another way you know we'd help.

*If we could change our fate,
You know we would.

*We are not enemies,
But Edgar and Gen.

*Helping them is also,
Helping you.

*I do prefer Edgar!
I'll admit the bias!
But Gen isn't good for you!

*Edgar's obsession!
I'm writing itself!
Imagine what you could do!

I refuse to,
Go down without a fight.
If I'm gonna die,
I'll die as me!

Author Writes With Apathy!

I ignore my pain and all emotion, writing to numb it all.

The Author's defense increased!

The Author's magic defense increased!

*To defy me is to defy the only reason you were ever loved. Why you were popular enough in school, way back then, to balance the pain with the love your peers showed you. You hold no value besides your own obsession.

Abby tells a Tragic Tale!

I am impaled by a massive spike of ink, going clean through my torso, but missing my organs.

The Author took 2000 damage!

The Author Writes With Despair!

I attack Abby with a barrage of pens, impaling her with thousands of the classic utensils. She gushes ink from all over.

Abby resisted the attack!

Abby took 1000 damage!

Author! Be careful!

*You stay out of this! We may be freinds... actually, after all this, you wanna hang out with me and Sour after all this?

Not a good time.

*That's fair.

Abby tells a Dark Tale!

Darkness clouds my vision, inky darkness, as if blocked by writing itself.

The Author's accuracy decreased drastically!

If you're knocked prone, it's over. Focus on surviving! We're on our way as soon as I decide who to accuse of being the traitor!

The Author Writes Alone!

A dissapear into the darkness of the room, enhancing it by writing it to be darker.

The Author's evasion increased!

*It matters not how you try to avoid it. In the end, you will always write. You will always be like Edgar. Otherwise, you will die.

Abby prepares a tale!

Abby is gathering energy, I can see it flowing around her.

Abby's next attack will be critical!

Can you dodge a crit?

Crits always hit.

Author! Run!

I try to flee.

Can't flee this fight.

The Author attacks!

Abby took 500 damage!

Abby attacks!

A critical hit!

The Author was knocked prone!

The Author took 5000 damage!

Abby goes all out!

The Author took 9999 damage!

I don't have much health. One more hit like that...

I struggle to stand, hunched over as I grip my pen, keeping my balance only by shifting my weight from side to side.

Author! Don't attack! If you miss-

The Author attacks!

The Author missed!

The Author was knocked prone!


*Next time, KNOW YOUR PLACE!

Abby goes all out!

The Author took 9999 mortal damage!



(Oh boy. Things just got real, but now we know our mission, free The Author.)

True, but first...

I turn to face my freinds, glaring...

"I think I know who the traitor is," I explain...

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