Put on the Mask

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*Author. They are choosing their form. You must revive.

I've got this.

OK. I'm back. Fuck you. What's happening now?

*They are choosing form and name.

Got it.


(So female named Fando. OK.)

I prepare to grant you your desired form.

However, before I do, I have something to show you.

You have a vision. You see me, a mask in my left hand. You hear voices. Voices of those you know. Charaters. They seem to speak to me. Making a song. It sounds like a dramatic anime opening.

Put on the mask!

*And sin again!

Like we did.

*So long ago!

Become who you are!

*Accept yourself as a monster.

*Just a monster!

Just a demon!

It is time to...

*Give in.

I look in the mirror, examining a cut on my hand from an accident with a knife was cutting my dinner earlier. My blood is black like ink. With a sigh, I put on the mask.

I am at school, an unspecified amount of time ago. The mask is not on. I'm walking down the hall and a beefier kid jokingly approaches me with a fake, playful taunt. The mask appears over my face.

*I turn around and put my arm to the kid's chest. I stand tall and glare with intense aggression. Telling him I know kids who beat the ever living crap outta him, and would do it for me.

The kid apologizes to me. The mask fades. He explains he was joking, so I to apologize.

*So here we go. The game begins.

*Our twisted game based upon pens.

*How much is fiction? How much is true?

*That's not up to me to choose.

*I want you to watch.

*I want you to see.

*Soon I, Edgar, shall be free.

Some time later, I am walking down the hallways again. A cute girl walks past me. The mask appears.

I look down, away from her. I think about my large gut, despite my rib cage being visible. I still want to lose weight.

She turns the corner. The mask doesn't dissapear, and I'm forced to rip it off. No one else notices.

Now you see.

Just what he is.

Just a facade.

Pawn of demons.

Inner monsters, within his head.

Soon we shall live,

And he'll be dead.

I sit in my room. The mask now on for no reason. I'm writing a story. Another one. So many others. More than you can see at the moment. I go to grab a drink a water, looking in a mirror as I walk down the hall. I see the mask. A tear streams down my face as I realize that I've had this mask on...

For the last three weeks.

I sigh and push the thought aside. I keep the mask, the facade on, for a reason. Like I'm ending this vision for a reason, and this chapter. No choice on this one. Sorry, but I ask you remember...

This is just a work of fiction.

Also, your form is ready. You have ginger hair, shorty and curly, your eyes are hazel. You stand tall at five and a half feet. You have a solid build. Not quite muscular, but not quite thin. Enough to appear strong and independent without looking like someone who spends twelve hours a day working out. Sound cool? Hey, the personality that you're creating, your manifestation choose it. Don't blame me.

See ya when Gen arrives.

I break contact.

*Back as a corpse kid.

Damn it! Why?

*Cause you showed to much.

*I kill him again and call it a chapter...

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