Behind Bars

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I sit, thinking about when I was imprisoned by the others. I look back at this time rather fondly. Not because I was imprisoned, but...

It was the first time I fully rejected reality.

Mind if I do this in present tense? That's cool, right? If I say how many days I was in there at each point?


No. I'm Leo, and I'm writer. I'll do it if I damn well-

"What about the readers?" Gen asks.

"You in control yet?" I demand.

Gen falls silent.

"I may be just a mask," I elaborate, "but I'm still the one being worn. Don't forget that."

Day Three.

I hand some notes to Sour.

"Wow Author!" They exclaim, "this is dark!"

"So?" Abby asks, "it takes sacrifices to achieve justice."

"I know," I sigh, "but we have no choice. OK? I don't know how much longer I'll hold out, so we gotta make each page count. Follow orders."

"Got it," Sour closes the book, "we help you write Fando, and you choose a mask. Sounds like a deal."

"Well I guess it's time for you to back," Abby reminds, "be seeing you."

"Actually," I reply, "can we talk for a bit?"

"Your time is better spent in your world," Sour reminds.

"You know damn well that's not true," I glare, "with Smokey and all that, I'd rather be here. Besides, it's not like you two are busy."

"Very well then," Sour sighs, "speak and I will listen..."

Day Twenty-Three

"Welcome back Author," Sour greets kindly. They've been warming up to me, unlike Abby...

"You really have time for another one of these?" Abby sighs, "you're pitiful. What about your world?"

"How'd asking out that one girl go?" Sour inquires.

"Well I'm either ugly or a dick," I sigh, "cause I got rejected again."

"Ugh," Abby sighs, "kid grow a pair. Why do you keep coming back here?"

"Look Abby," I get up, "if you wanna argue, fine, but do so on your own time. I'm talking to Sour, so, if you'll excuse us."

"Know your place!" Abby slams a baton on the cell's bars, "you are our prisoner! Don't forget that!"

"Why are doing this?" I ask.

"What?" Abby seems taken aback.

"You're normally nicer than this," I sigh, "Edgar wrote you with a desire to make something pure. You were an idea by him, and he created you as someone innocent and joyful. What has changed? Where's the manifestation Edgar loves?"

"I'm doing this cause I love him!" Abby exclaims, "he needs to be real! He needs it!"

"Eh," I shrug, "maybe it's best that way. Just be a dick all the time and get what I want at all costs. That's what'd it'd translate to. I'd be less of a person and more of a weapon fighting The Beast at that point though."

"I see," Abby sighs, "you wish to become a weapon..."

"Do you really want that?" Sour seems concerned for me.

"Think this over carefully," Abby adds, dropping her guard as the bad cop.

"There's the character I know!" I exclaim, "but, nah. I'm just gonna chill here for a bit. OK?"

"You want anything?" Abby asks.

"I wanna protect who Fando represents," I reply, "K is in the greatest danger, but I'm sure she won't get a mask... right?"

"You should outright ask if she has one," Abby suggests.

"No," I feel aniexty welling up within me, "I can't. OK? Don't make me do that."

"OK OK," Abby backs off, "you can just stay here until you wanna leave..."

Day Thirty-Eight

"Fando is ready," Sour explains, "are you sure about-"

"Yeah," I reply, "just let me post this-"

"Is that another account?" Sour smirks.

"Ho' don't do it," I glare, "I just a posted a warning about you."

"We'll be taking that," Edgar smiles, swiping my phone and handing it to Gen, both of whom are in the room. They have taken my account and make a post, setting things into motion.

"OK," I sigh, "just one more thing."

"What's wrong?" Sour asks.

"Don't show Fando the Beast right off," I reply, "first we find my true face. Then I'll be ready to face that monster."

"Got it," Abby smiles, "maybe mention them late in the first part though?"

"I'll handle it," I reply.

"Are you gonna be OK?" Sour asks.

"If all else fails," I reply, "I'll just come here. Here I'm strong. Strong enough to protect people. I'm safe here. I sometimes think about staying here forever.

"You should be seeking professional help," Abby sighs, "I mean, that could be dangerous."

"I'll get help," I sigh, "you get ready..."

Present day.

And I did get help. That's a story for another chapter. For now, I'm just sitting at the door, and the day I must discuss the issue with K, face her in combat in this world, and debate in my own, grows every closer with each page I create...

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