The Author's Choice

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I strike the crystal with all my might. Beating down the wall to no avail, Wolf offering their dark power to me, but it's not enough.

"Fando wait!" Gen pleads, pulling me back, "I can explain!"

"You better," I warn, Wolf assisting me by conjuring a ball of darkness in my palm.

"I betrayed you by not letting you face The Author," Gen explains, "but The Author said I was a traitor, right?"

"Exactly!" I exclaim, "and he has no reason to lie!"

"He wasn't referring to who betrayed you," Gen sighs, "he was referring to who betrayed him. He uses my name, like how before I found this other website and when he first made a writing account on the website Reaper attacked. My betrayal was pretending to be him for a time, trying to be loved by the readers, so, he found this place. When this tale ends, he's going to have to choose his name, and he will. At least on the writing website. In the end, he shall place his true name there."

"So what do we do?" I ask, "who's the traitor?"

"You haven't figured it out?" Gen chuckles, "you can never trust an Author Slayer..."

(Armored turns metal.)

("OK," she explains, "we just gotta go for the chains. We don't have to kill The Author.")

("Well," I smirk, conjuring up a knife, "guess we disagree there.")

(I rewrite Armored, turning her back into flesh. Before she can react, I stab her in the head, killing her, and take her soul, learning how to train myself to be a Hollow by watching Reaper.)


(Did you forget Fando? I am an Author Slayer. My goal is genocide. I lied. It's nothing personal, but I must finish my mission. Say goodbye to the Author.)

I won't let you kill him!

(If I kill him, he still lives IRL, but if he does it himself, then he's gone in both worlds.)

Don't you dare...

I struggle to stand, still injured after facing Abby. They sent me into this hoping that this fight would break me. They sent me into this, knowing damn well I would lose.

(I start an intense instrumental with a slight rock undertone. I smirk at The Author, turning metal and hitting him in the head, knocking him to his knees.)

Am I powerless in this world too? Can't I win at least in my own world?

(Haha! Look!
You are going to,
Die die die,

(You don't even want to live.)

And that's your secret to tell why?

(I got a knife right here.)

Breaker tosses the knife on the floor, as if offering me a way out.

(You write write write,
But really,
What does that solve?)

What does it solve? Is there really any point to this? I don't even have control in my own world anymore...

(You're never gonna be free.)

(You'll always be their pawn.)

(You'll never reach your dream.)

(Writing does nothing.)

(Only death can end your pain!)

(It's time for this tale to close!)

(Writers die!
Writers die!
Writers die!)


I grip the knife, struggling to my feet.


No more.

*Wait, Author, don't actually destroy everything. That was really just a bluff to get you to put on the mask. If you're gonna destroy the world, or yourself, we will stop you.

A bluff? So, you still wish to protect?

*Yes. We all do. We won't let you destroy. We helped you create this world, and we won't watch it die.


(The Author gets up. A dark energy gathering around him. There is madness in his eyes, pain in his eyes. His aura is intense. I can tell already I screwed up bad.)


(The Author points the knife at me, and begins to laugh hysterically. I see only pain in his expression now, his true, unmasked expression. He's not gonna show any mercy.)

I start a song similar to Breaker's. Just to taunt him.

Breaker! Look out!

"Get back!" Gen exclaims, "this is gonna get ugly!"

I hold my knife and a battle starts.

Hey Breaker,
You're going to,
Die die die,

The Author Writes With Pain.

I stab Breaker, forcing them to their knees.

A critical hit!

Watt Breaker took 2000 damage!

I'll kill you myself!

No escape from your sins!

Write write write!

I know it doesn't help!

I may not be far behind,

But you shall die!

You ass is grass Breaker.

I can off myself on my own.

I'll do it if I please.

But it's my choice not yours!

Break the pen!
Break the pen!
Break the pen!

Break Breaker!

I go all out, shattering Breaker's skull.

Breaker took 9999 mortal damage!

The battle ends. I approach Breaker, who is dying as I grab his collar with a cathartic grin on my face.

Let's make this clear, Breaker, if I'm going to do the one thing that can end my pain, I'll do it myself. YOU won't have ANY say! Know your place boy!

I stab them again. They are dead.

"Breaker!" I exclaim.

The Author shatters the wall.

"Hello Fando," he smirks, "guess we have to fight huh? How will this end? Who knows? Oh well. Let's begin, shall we?"

"Be careful," Wolf advises.

"Don't worry," Gen smiles, "I'm here to help."

A battle starts. The Author blocks my way...

Choice: Attack

Choice: Plead

Choice: Reason

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