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I sit, awaiting Fando and the others. Thoughts of everyone I've failed rush through my mind in my two-faced state. Everyone hates me cause I tried to help them. I just can't...

I begin a dramtic sounding tune and begin to sing. I sing what everyone has shown me about myself, in addition to truths I've realized myself.

I am a monster,
No more than,
A shell.

A mad man,
Hidden behind masks,
And put into,
This world.

Forced go change names,
And lie,
Just so I,
Could survive.

I've failed so many,
Watched them,
As they were tainted,
By the masked.

I'm dying,
But you'll see,
I'm not quite,
Dead yet.

My name was once Leo Benedict,
But that isn't really it.
I can be Gen.
I can be Edgar took

The real me is something unture.

I grip my pen and the tune begins more energetic...

I'm never strong enough,
I've never been strong enough.
It will be to late,
When I am strong enough.

Soon I'll surpass,
You all.
I only wanted,
To help.

But it's clear,
That makes my life Hell.
You'll harm your kids,
So I'll have to step in.

But until then,
This husk,
Will never,
Give in.

I hear The Beast laughing as an apparation appears.

"Jeez kid you are stalling like crazy!"

"Shut up," I glare, "so what if I am? A little big of musical character development that keeps me from having to confront K is fine by me."

"So," The Beast smirks, "I'm gonna do a verse."

"Fuck you!" I exclaim.

"You wanna go?" The Beast smirks, "then advance the goddamn plot!"

"Fine I will," I sigh, "Do your verse."

The tune becomes jolly, almost as if taunting me and The Beast sings...

"Trying to rise?
You're gonna fall!
Mankind thinks,
I am their God!

Who is next?
Who can I take?
You fight me,
You're gonna pay!

So go on,
Take up your pen,
You'll be in the nuthouse,
By this tale's end!"

The Beast laughs and fades away.

Damn them! Why do they keep taking people from me!?! Why!?!

I take a deep breath and sigh. I have to keep going.

I end this chapter, and prepare the next to focus on Fando...

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