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"Be careful," I advise.

"Don't worry," Armored smiles, "reassuringly, I got this."

*The door opens. I wipe away my tears. "No one's here!" I exclaim.

*"Hey Abby," Armored greets kindly, weaving her way past piles upon piles of old notebooks.

*"What do you want?" I demand, "to kill me? To exact vengeance?"

*"What?" Armored appears shocked, "no. I just wanna talk. Is everything OK?"

*"Oh," I sigh, "I'm just thinking is all."

*"Is it about Edgar?" Armored asks.

*"How am I supposed to help him now?" I start crying again, "he's so hurt, and there's nothing I can do about it. He's just..."

*"It's OK," Armored hugs me, "I've been there. Trust me. It's not as bad as you think. Edgar loves you, and he knows it. He's just busy, but he hasn't outright abandoned you. Unlike Reaper..."


*"I'm starting to think Reaper may be to far gone. He might be gone at this point, having repressed his memories. I'm gonna try one last time, but after book three, I'm done playing nice and the gloves are off."

*Armored takes out a ring.

*"But I have to try," she sighs, "one last time. Just one last time..."

*"Hey," I smile, "I'm sure it'll be fine."

*"Yeah," Armored chuckles, "I wanted to help you feel better but just made myself feel bad."

*"Well I feel better now if it's any consolation."

*"Yeah. See you later Abby."

"Looks like that went well," I smile, "come on, we gotta go. But what's the deal with the ring?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," Armored sighs, "it's not your business."

I suddenly have a flashback of the Author in a dining hall talking to the girl in the purple jacket.

"And then she still has the ring after trying to purpose to him," The Author smiles, "I mean, wouldn't that be great!?!"

"That's actually really good," the other nerdy girl interjects, "I like it."

The vision ends.

"You purposed to Reaper," I ask, "with that ring, right?"

"How did you-" Armored appears shocked.

"One trillion years ago," the voice whispers.

"About a trillion years ago?" I inquire.

"Yeah," she sighs, "well, I was about to, but then I go cold feet and Edgar pulled some stuff that got everyone banished into the void. I tried to help him, but he's gone off the deep end. I know he's in there, but for now, he's consumed by madness and hatred."

Armored turns away solemnly.

"I sometimes wonder," she weeps, "if he loves me at all."

I see the Author talking to the other nerdy girl again. "Of course Reaper loves her!" He exclaims, "that's the best part of Holidays in the Abyss!"

"Of course he does," I reassure her, putting my hand on her shoulder, "he's just... made some mistakes."


I see The Author. He's crying. There's a man in a black outfit, and he wears a mask. I look into the Author's eyes...

They are full of fear.

The man speaks, but his mask twists his words into lies. I, however, hear the truth.

In the night, I can't see the man's face or the details of his outfit.

"What she did was wrong," the man's words are untwisted, "but she's big, you're small, and that makes us your God."

The vision ends.

(You guys ready to go?)

We're... on our way.

"You OK Fando?" Armored asks.

"Yeah..." I lie, "come on. We have to go. We have to learn the truth..."

"Unmask the truth," the voice reminds.

I wonder about my vision, and with my confusion and somewhat fearful outlook on what I'll find, we begin back towards the basement.

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